Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Half Term Tues

Nice breakfast. Few errands. Most of the day spent on the big project. Made the most of the internet working again in the afternoon to order Guitar Hero from Amazon. Not only was it by far the cheapest for the Wii band edition, I also got an extra guitar... for FREE!!! think that should be my TGF for today... I'd been deliberating over using the cleaning money I had saved for London to get this game now that I'm not going to London.... and this is such a good deal I feel quite reassured its the right thing. I liked Em's advice best.... "yaaaaaaaaaaaaay... get it, get it" !!!

Went to the Whole Shebang open session tonight... was great fun (is a women's drumming group... play djembes and stuff) ... esp when they let me play on the Dum Dums (Sp?) .. the loud ones played with sticks... such a nice resonant sound.

TV and Mac in the evening. Trying to catch up with the blog. Not really getting very far. But I am friends on Facebook with MFA now. Ok... time for Hot Choc in bed with my book.


Half Term - Mon

Up late. Thats the best thing about holidays, not having to get up hehe. Popped into town for some frames (via having to walk away from a very nasty 'Can I have 2 minutes of your time' charity man). Alison came over for lunch and an afternoon on the Macs in the warm conservatory, bit of wii fit then dashed off to football. Footy was great... all getting a bit more stuck in! Me and Ems on the same team again hehe, and did some nice linking moves, and she scored a couple. Last move of the game was awsome... Ems passed to me, I had my back to goal... hit it on the turn, and it went under the keeper and in... was sooooo coool. Did a Pops style celebration I was so pleased with myself hehe.

Dash home for shower, then to the flat to walk over to Graeme's. He did a lovely Pork roast as a birthday meal for Jeremy. Just finished the last of the Pavlova (is sooooo scrummy). Jeremy was pleased with his gift... he asked for an apron for when he is baking bread... he got Chef's whites! cos I thought they looked well cool. Need a photo of him looking like a pro doing his Pavlova Masterclass. He does look quite Pro here tho...

..until you scroll down!!


Half Term - Sun

Up early (ish) for the car boot. Looks like I'll have plenty to read over the holidays!! and suprisingly, the trousers fit.

Thought I was late for drumming at church, but everyone else was walking in the same time as me. Wondered why the vicar gave me a strange look as I got out of my car.. then realised why as I went in and the music team all went "woah"...

This was part of my 'outfit' for non uniform day.. we were told to wear something bright! The current Vlog shows my rainbow attire. Anyway, where was I... drummed at church.. a couple of people commented that it was nice... was quite a calm set from me! Managed to not be lazy and make a meal based around a slice of leftover pizza, and cooked some mash and veggies instead. Disappointed with how little I managed to get done in the afternoon, must have just been faffy things, that I can't remember now. The main event of the day was the concert in Nottingham. Alison and also David Morris were singing in the Rodgers and Hammerstien concert at the Royal Concert Hall. Stress greatly reduced by getting a lift with Jenny and the girls, chatted the whole way, told them Alison's tooth story. Met Alison in the bar.. and got told not to hug her or even look at her too hard.. in case I disturbed her scarf! The concert was ok... David was amazing as usual, and the choir were good (well, the one on the back row, 3rd from the right was good anyway). They didn't really make enough of the choir I thought.. and who knows what Les was playing at with his compereing. Starving when we got back so were relieved to find the Noodle bar open (having walked past a very closed chippy). Must have been hungry.. two clean plates!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Progress so far

Its 6 weeks into the year, so how much progress have I made towards my goals. Well, I've done a bit of the scarf and the x stitch. I've done all the library tapes (and broken my second tape deck in the process... but JPK was a hero and fixed it) ... oh that reminds me, must go stop the Harry Potter tape recording... I've got my website online, with photo gallery and Vlog (need to add the Flame bit to it, and get some animations on there). The photos for the Cromer and 2008 Albums were ordered on Monday... and still haven't arrived.. grrr. I think 7k is my longest run, and today I did 5k at 12.3 (with a 800m at 14kph finish). Thought this was pretty good until I worked out that to do 10k in less than 45mins I need to run at 13.3kph. Eek. The mantelpiece has been varnished, and the chimney swept, all ready for the fire to be installed on Feb 28th. The house buying is not going so well... Remi is being somewhat unreasonable. Looks like he wants to go to court rather than remember about all the money I gave him. Oh well, guess God has a plan.


Goals 2009

Put these on my Vlog on the website, but might be easier to keep track if I put it on here too.

These are my targets for 2009:
- finish scarf
- finish engine part of Harley x stitch
- get Grade 1 at Drums
- make an Apple website (including Legoland photos and a video blog)
- tidy all the piles of stuff in my room
- scan the old joint credit card bills
- finish the 2008 photo album
- make an album of the Cromer photos
- run 10km in under 45 mins
- put the library tapes and Harry Potter audiobooks onto MP3
- pass motorbike test
- decorate the lounge and the stairs
- buy the house off Remi


Chalkie's 50th Party

Went home two weeks ago for Chalkie's suprise party. Mum was quite sneaky, Chalkie thought he was going to his mate Steve's party, and Steve thought that... Luckily it worked out that this was on a week two, so I could leave early. Lucky because I had spent the previous evening making three photo display boards (baby, nice and silly) to put up at the party. I got them out of the car and.... every single photo fell off. Just had time to do a rush job with Pritt stick. Was very angry, angry enough to very nearly swear lots in front of Mum. Still, think people liked them..

Chalkie was suitably suprised!!!

Mum ignores advice about mixing drinks...

Angelique has clearly been hanging around Chalkie too much...

Peter Kay orders a round of drinks...

Evil Steve strikes again...


Three men walked into a pub...


Indoor fireworks... yaaaaay!

Cake or Death? ...er... Death please!

Someone else been around Chalkie too long..

Looks like the Guinness has taken effect..

Chalkie liked his present from me and Jon..


Quite an important one

Am so far behind with the blog its untrue.. must stop doing stuff so I can catch up! Friday 19th December I collected the three copies of my thesis, all ready to hand in...the big moment!!!

Lots and lots of waffle...

.. taken over to the coolest building on campus (Rutland) ...

... but, alas, it was not to be. So much for the big hand in!

.. did manage to hand it in on Monday, so a good start to the Christmas holiday. Was a bit of an anti-climax though.. Maybe I was expecting fireworks or something after all that time... but at least something better that "yeah thanks".


Half Term

Its the first day of the half term holidays. I'm going to try to get loads done this holiday.. keeping my big plan a little bit secret at the mo. What have I done so far.. Kimber birthday present shopping in Nottingham yesterday, followed by a read (Pies and Prejudice) while scoffing Turkish Delight and a nap hehe. Saturday, lovely breakfast, bit of flat cleaning, yummy dinner in the Town Hall (Christmas pudding and custard.. get in!!) home, moment of anger at Royal Mail for not delivering photos and wrecking plans for the weekend. Did a couple of videos (goals related) faffed online, washed big blue throw, recorded HP tape onto MP3, long play on wii fit, run (5k at 12.3) banana and choc sarnie, macbook in front of the rugby. Pizza and Bud and popcorn while watching Bee Movie. More Macbook-ing while trying not to get stressed at the Sky+ box that is not working properly. Grrr

Monday, February 02, 2009


er.... Death please!

Conclusive proof... Ems is way better than me at baking!!!



Sunday 25th: Went to Birmingham for the Black Dyke Band concert at the Symphony Hall. Wandered around taking pictures of patterns first.. think it's called Brindley Place, by the canal..

For some reason there was grass in my dinner.

Ma and Pa seemed to enjoy the stroll... and the concert, which was fantastic.. the Dykes were amazing. Just a shame that it wasn't the lovely day I had planned when I bought everyone's Christmas presents.


Eek.. they're coming!

Parents were coming on the Saturday evening, going to the BDB gig on Sun... and this was the state of the upstairs rooms during the week...

Well.... at least one of them got sorted!

Tried to distract myself on Friday doing some cross stitch. Didn't really work, crying most of the day.

Saturday. Tried to be all domesticated. Cleaned. Then baked a nice Victoria sponge. Oh dear.

Hey.. I've got an idea.. if I cover it in Icing sugar.. they'll never notice...

Had a yummy chinese and played wii Saturday night. World War III nearly started over the volleyball. Not sure Mum not swiping in time was the only reason they lost. 6 matches in a row. hehe.

Up early on Sun for the Car Boot. Left parents to have a lie in. Good job cos it was really rubbish...


Catching up

Babysat Nomi a couple of weeks ago. Was great fun. We played with Iggle Piggle...

We watched the Lion King... (and the Snowman, and Jungle Book and listened to Dory)

She showed me her tummy!..

and when Mummy came back we made bubbles..

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