Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Half Term - Sun

Up early (ish) for the car boot. Looks like I'll have plenty to read over the holidays!! and suprisingly, the trousers fit.

Thought I was late for drumming at church, but everyone else was walking in the same time as me. Wondered why the vicar gave me a strange look as I got out of my car.. then realised why as I went in and the music team all went "woah"...

This was part of my 'outfit' for non uniform day.. we were told to wear something bright! The current Vlog shows my rainbow attire. Anyway, where was I... drummed at church.. a couple of people commented that it was nice... was quite a calm set from me! Managed to not be lazy and make a meal based around a slice of leftover pizza, and cooked some mash and veggies instead. Disappointed with how little I managed to get done in the afternoon, must have just been faffy things, that I can't remember now. The main event of the day was the concert in Nottingham. Alison and also David Morris were singing in the Rodgers and Hammerstien concert at the Royal Concert Hall. Stress greatly reduced by getting a lift with Jenny and the girls, chatted the whole way, told them Alison's tooth story. Met Alison in the bar.. and got told not to hug her or even look at her too hard.. in case I disturbed her scarf! The concert was ok... David was amazing as usual, and the choir were good (well, the one on the back row, 3rd from the right was good anyway). They didn't really make enough of the choir I thought.. and who knows what Les was playing at with his compereing. Starving when we got back so were relieved to find the Noodle bar open (having walked past a very closed chippy). Must have been hungry.. two clean plates!

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