Sunday, June 28, 2009
Good bargains at last couple of car boots.. the tea pot I got last week is hilarious! Just don't look inside when its brewing.. the floaters can really put you off!!
Bit of stress with other purchases though.. the little coffee machine doesn't work properly.. grrr.. haven't tested the other yet. The stereo also didn't work when I tried it... yet when I tried to show Dad what was wrong with his present it worked perfectly!! Strange, but fine by me. Hopefully he will be able to record his vinyls to MP3 without too much stress.
Busy week at school. Wii night with Em and Lu on Tuesday.. played GH, once I found enough batteries! Busy time getting jobs done ready for the weekend on Wed, and babysitting Dan.. who is unbeleiveable on GH Metallica. Celebration evening Thurs.. managed to not cry (which was a relief as we had to sit on the stage) had chips with Jono at the Shelly roundabout after! Full day at school and then shift with Luke on Fri, so very tired by the time I got home. Awake early on Sat bit didn't get up till 8. Frosties and cleaning, then did my run. Did the 10k in 42:53, and carried on till 12k. Happy with that, but am running at a speed now (14kph) that my body finds hard, so legs (esp hamstrings) stiff after. Think I may well get myself talked into the Nottingham half marathon in September. Not looking forward to trying to run fast for more than 20 minutes!
Just about got all clean and tidy when family arrived. They all think the teapot is hilarious too! Popped into town in the afternoon.. Nan liked the market. I found Mario and Sonic at the Olympics in Cash Converters so I was happy! Went into the Unicorn to avoid the rain.. ended up having a lovely meal. Must have worn them all out.. they were all asleep on the sofa when we got back, so I finished my jobs then catalogued my vinyl collection (118). I was hoping to watch Murray at Wimbledon, but he was too good, and had gone through easily by the time I finished faffing about with 80s cheese and even dodgier Brass!
Also got distracted by the cool pattern the rain left on the table..

Great evening, got Chinese and Em and Hannah Johns came over. Played wii. Don't believe that Hannah (just back from Japan) has never heard of wii... she was alarmingly good at it! Everyone had a good laugh.. was lovely. Just one person missing :-( Am still unbelievably sad, but trying hard to trust God. And it feels so much better not having to hide anything from family. Bless Mum for telling Nan on Friday.. although I imagine it could have been quite an amusing conversation. Apparenty Nan was worried whether I still loved her!?! Maybe she got mixed up bless her!
Awake very early, despite only getting to bed past one. Up, showered and out to the car boot before anyone else surfaced hehe.
Good bargains again today.. Underworld DVDs for Chalkie. Nice to be able to give him a present for a change. I guess I won't ever know if the album really is signed by George Michael himself. I guess I could just choose to beleive it is. The bloke was nice anyway, we had a good chat about our George. Got my second copy of the Shack. I have a feeling it won't be the last. Want everyone to read it... praying that it helps them as much as it did me. Hope Jon likes his present.. I'll let him beat me at the Bond game at Christmas. Eeek.. did I just mention Christmas?? heck.. its only June.
Right.. its Sunday night. I'm back from Donington. Family all safely on their way. There are about 1080 photos of bikes for me to edit... oh dear Harley.

Busy week at school. Wii night with Em and Lu on Tuesday.. played GH, once I found enough batteries! Busy time getting jobs done ready for the weekend on Wed, and babysitting Dan.. who is unbeleiveable on GH Metallica. Celebration evening Thurs.. managed to not cry (which was a relief as we had to sit on the stage) had chips with Jono at the Shelly roundabout after! Full day at school and then shift with Luke on Fri, so very tired by the time I got home. Awake early on Sat bit didn't get up till 8. Frosties and cleaning, then did my run. Did the 10k in 42:53, and carried on till 12k. Happy with that, but am running at a speed now (14kph) that my body finds hard, so legs (esp hamstrings) stiff after. Think I may well get myself talked into the Nottingham half marathon in September. Not looking forward to trying to run fast for more than 20 minutes!
Just about got all clean and tidy when family arrived. They all think the teapot is hilarious too! Popped into town in the afternoon.. Nan liked the market. I found Mario and Sonic at the Olympics in Cash Converters so I was happy! Went into the Unicorn to avoid the rain.. ended up having a lovely meal. Must have worn them all out.. they were all asleep on the sofa when we got back, so I finished my jobs then catalogued my vinyl collection (118). I was hoping to watch Murray at Wimbledon, but he was too good, and had gone through easily by the time I finished faffing about with 80s cheese and even dodgier Brass!
Also got distracted by the cool pattern the rain left on the table..

Great evening, got Chinese and Em and Hannah Johns came over. Played wii. Don't believe that Hannah (just back from Japan) has never heard of wii... she was alarmingly good at it! Everyone had a good laugh.. was lovely. Just one person missing :-( Am still unbelievably sad, but trying hard to trust God. And it feels so much better not having to hide anything from family. Bless Mum for telling Nan on Friday.. although I imagine it could have been quite an amusing conversation. Apparenty Nan was worried whether I still loved her!?! Maybe she got mixed up bless her!
Awake very early, despite only getting to bed past one. Up, showered and out to the car boot before anyone else surfaced hehe.

Right.. its Sunday night. I'm back from Donington. Family all safely on their way. There are about 1080 photos of bikes for me to edit... oh dear Harley.
Monday, June 22, 2009
On a whim
apparently the correct answer when someone asks you on a Friday afternoon if you want to go up Snowdon tomorrow is.. Yes!
The BBC website said cloudy start, clear by midday. So, with ideas of glorious sunshine in our heads we set off at 7am. I slept most of the way.. and learned that my head acts like a loudspeaker (I didn't think my ipod was that loud, but I had to admit to listening to Oxygene!!! how old school is that! .. hope they didn't hear the Winnie the Pooh stories on the way back).
We intended to go up the Ryhd Ddu path, it being not so popular, and not too steep. Nice waterfall on the way...
Tim being (in the words of Joy.. 'a pratt')
A little delayed onset map reading reveals that we are in fact now on the Watkin path... somewhat steeper and ridgier!
The obligatory 'summit photo'..
View from the summit..

Haha.. can you tell its in Wales? The cloud did lift a bit as we descended, well.. more acurately, it stayed still and we walked back down through it..

Nice view coming down the Rhd Ddu path.. actually I'm glad we went up the Watkins.. was interesting, nice bit of scrambling... and prefer coming down the easier path.
I can see the sea!!!!!
Lovely day out.. nice food at Joy's parents too. Lots of sleep in the car.. think sleeping anywhere is my special skill!
The BBC website said cloudy start, clear by midday. So, with ideas of glorious sunshine in our heads we set off at 7am. I slept most of the way.. and learned that my head acts like a loudspeaker (I didn't think my ipod was that loud, but I had to admit to listening to Oxygene!!! how old school is that! .. hope they didn't hear the Winnie the Pooh stories on the way back).
We intended to go up the Ryhd Ddu path, it being not so popular, and not too steep. Nice waterfall on the way...

Haha.. can you tell its in Wales? The cloud did lift a bit as we descended, well.. more acurately, it stayed still and we walked back down through it..

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bit strange
This is from a couple of weeks ago.. the car boot when it was persisting it down. The blue 'thing' is a lantern.. for candles outside. I gave it to Ems as I thought it would go really well with the colours and stuff in their garden. It lasted 30 seconds.. Stewie went out and... the big clumsy oaf.. that's ten whole p down the drain!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Day of Achievments
Up early for Frosties.. then car boot.. didn't get long as had to head back for second Frosties hit!
So.. after more Frosties and a quick change, biked onto campus (avoiding the queue for the car park that started on Forest Road!) Trying to find a routine with food and water that doesn't result in being sick just after the finish line.. so didn't have anything in the last hour. Did pretty good at not getting too stressed about the race. Alison and Karen were waiting for me at the Pavillion.. sweet of them. Ems and Lu made it for the start... just! They were jumping over fences to get there just before the off!
Lots of prayer at the start.. and it worked.. foot stopped hurting after the first few hundred metres.. and Aspie tummy mostly behaved itself. Maybe having Dolly Parton 9 to 5 in my head helped.. regulate my breathing and keep me calm (often get stitch when start to panic). Seemed even shorter than last year.. but also seemed like harder work.. but after a slow start I did it in 21:37.. and came third!!! Am well chuffed with that. Was great to have people at the finish cheering me on.. and to give me a hug.. thanks for coming guys.

The secret to my speed... my magic Spidey tatoo!!!
I blame Em for that btw.. she bought me some candy sticks during the week! Hmm.. just realised how scrawny I look.. must do more weights!
Karen kindly bought me lunch as a treat for beating my time.. ate junk hehe.. the pancake was lovely. Think I was the only one that didn't get toasted by the sun (factor 20 helped there). It was the University Centenary open day too, so we looked at an exhibition, then A and K had to go to take JK to the airport. Wandered around on my own for a bit, then headed to Victory Hall for the Trampolining coaching.. and I achieved my lifetime ambition of doing a somersault.. and landing it on my feet not my bum!

Next I went to James France building for a lecture on Breathing/HR synchronisation.. but the most interesting thing was this amusingly placed sign..
And in an exhibition on the Centenary and history of LU I found this fab photo..
Last achievement of the day.. setting my Long Jump PB at the High Performance Athletics Centre.. 3m64... only just under 4m short of the world record lol!!!
Trying not to stress about tomorrow.. got to do my CBT (bike training) again.. its run out.. two years flew by.. and then I'm with Luke.. at the flat in Leicester.. TGF GPS

Karen kindly bought me lunch as a treat for beating my time.. ate junk hehe.. the pancake was lovely. Think I was the only one that didn't get toasted by the sun (factor 20 helped there). It was the University Centenary open day too, so we looked at an exhibition, then A and K had to go to take JK to the airport. Wandered around on my own for a bit, then headed to Victory Hall for the Trampolining coaching.. and I achieved my lifetime ambition of doing a somersault.. and landing it on my feet not my bum!

Trying not to stress about tomorrow.. got to do my CBT (bike training) again.. its run out.. two years flew by.. and then I'm with Luke.. at the flat in Leicester.. TGF GPS
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Next time Gadget
Just done 43:30 for 10km. Will beat Graeme next time I reckon (think his was 43:24). Although now he has gone and set another target (the ratbag!) last night he did a 10 MILE race in 72:34. I can't even remember the last time I ran for 10 miles. Oh dear. Well, unfortunately my competitive spirit will not rest until I have beaten it. Think I will try to get my 10km down to 42:42.. then settle for that and start adding on distance (think 10 miles is 16km). Hmm... should keep me out of mischief for a while!
Into every life..
Am watching the rain on my window, having had a nice lie in (well.. no alarm so had time to try to get more than 5 hours sleep) and snoozy day dream. Had pre-run cheerios and have got lots to blog before I drag myself onto the treadmill. Still, at least it won't be as hot as last week!
Had a hilarious email this week. Someone from church was fishing for help at some children's event.. and they said "Am I right in thinking that you do juggling or something? And would you be happy to get involved?" Well.. I laughed!!! I can't catch one ball, never mind three!!! Where the heck did she get the idea I can juggle!? My ball skills are surely legendary throughout Lufbra... in that everyone wonders how on earth I got let into the University!
Its the race for life next week. I'm getting scared. This race will be all in my head.. whether I can convince my gut not to go all Aspie on me and cramp up and throw up. .. and whether I can pace myself. Did a really short run out in the real world on Thurs.. and I felt really sick and it felt like a battle the whole way.. was I just running too fast?? Am totally psyching myself out now. Def need to put more outdoor running into my training programme. Trouble is I love playing with the numbers on the treadmill. Oh well. Maybe I could take up rowing instead?!
Oh, I know why I mentioned the RFL... sponsor me!!!
Did my accounts this week.. all up to date now.. and fab news.. have finished paying off my motorbike!!! well.. finished paying myself back for it, so that budget is now no longer in negative numbers.. always good. Bad news is that its gonna cost a fortune to do my test. Oh well... back to the minuses.
Last thing.. Chris from school gave me a lovely present this week. She had been to the Lego shop in MK with her daughter and grandson.. and they were selling these for a pound to the National Autistic Society.. and she knows how important both Lego and the NAS are to me... bless her...
Right.. gotta run now. Come on legs.
Had a hilarious email this week. Someone from church was fishing for help at some children's event.. and they said "Am I right in thinking that you do juggling or something? And would you be happy to get involved?" Well.. I laughed!!! I can't catch one ball, never mind three!!! Where the heck did she get the idea I can juggle!? My ball skills are surely legendary throughout Lufbra... in that everyone wonders how on earth I got let into the University!
Its the race for life next week. I'm getting scared. This race will be all in my head.. whether I can convince my gut not to go all Aspie on me and cramp up and throw up. .. and whether I can pace myself. Did a really short run out in the real world on Thurs.. and I felt really sick and it felt like a battle the whole way.. was I just running too fast?? Am totally psyching myself out now. Def need to put more outdoor running into my training programme. Trouble is I love playing with the numbers on the treadmill. Oh well. Maybe I could take up rowing instead?!
Oh, I know why I mentioned the RFL... sponsor me!!!
Did my accounts this week.. all up to date now.. and fab news.. have finished paying off my motorbike!!! well.. finished paying myself back for it, so that budget is now no longer in negative numbers.. always good. Bad news is that its gonna cost a fortune to do my test. Oh well... back to the minuses.
Last thing.. Chris from school gave me a lovely present this week. She had been to the Lego shop in MK with her daughter and grandson.. and they were selling these for a pound to the National Autistic Society.. and she knows how important both Lego and the NAS are to me... bless her...

Thursday, June 04, 2009
I remember now
..why I stopped watching X files. Despite resolutely not looking whenever there was a scary bit I still ended up seeing monsters when I closed my eyes in bed.. having turned on all the lights, and checked everywhere, and gone very carefully under the loft hatch.
Other than that was a great evening at Ems. And I ate tonnes (gotta keep NN happy).
Other than that was a great evening at Ems. And I ate tonnes (gotta keep NN happy).
Monday, June 01, 2009
Busy day
Long shift 9-3 with Luke. We were gutted that Waterstones didn't have his Asterix audiobook.. it's out of print :-(
Called by to check on Karen. Not in. Went home and got settled in the garden, about to eat dinner and read A+D. Got a text from Karen. Ended up in a different garden to eat my dinner! Was nice hanging out, and admiring haircuts.
Went straight to footy.. bit rusty but played ok. Not a huge fan of being on 'all time offence'.. makes me lazy I think.. and can't rectify mistakes by winning the ball back. Home for cereal and change then back across town for Translate meeting. Stayed for ten mins then walked out. Got annoyed and upset by the woman who was supposed to be giving a talk on AS counselling. She just spent that first ten mins slagging off her Aspie husband, calling him nasty names and blaming him for the issues in their relationship. I'm really tired of everything always being the Aspie's fault. Yeah we're not perfect and there are some things we struggle with.. but we have a good side. Not convinced NTs have got it all right either! Anyway.. musn't rant. Stayed calm though and just left as politely and quietly as possible.
Nurse Numpty was nagging lots today (and well she might) so cooked proper spag bol.. and finished the whole plate!! Watched AirForce One. Americans make me laugh!
Called by to check on Karen. Not in. Went home and got settled in the garden, about to eat dinner and read A+D. Got a text from Karen. Ended up in a different garden to eat my dinner! Was nice hanging out, and admiring haircuts.
Went straight to footy.. bit rusty but played ok. Not a huge fan of being on 'all time offence'.. makes me lazy I think.. and can't rectify mistakes by winning the ball back. Home for cereal and change then back across town for Translate meeting. Stayed for ten mins then walked out. Got annoyed and upset by the woman who was supposed to be giving a talk on AS counselling. She just spent that first ten mins slagging off her Aspie husband, calling him nasty names and blaming him for the issues in their relationship. I'm really tired of everything always being the Aspie's fault. Yeah we're not perfect and there are some things we struggle with.. but we have a good side. Not convinced NTs have got it all right either! Anyway.. musn't rant. Stayed calm though and just left as politely and quietly as possible.
Nurse Numpty was nagging lots today (and well she might) so cooked proper spag bol.. and finished the whole plate!! Watched AirForce One. Americans make me laugh!
That keyword
Think it was 'authentic'. and connected was in there too. (word from the sermon I couldn't remember).