Sunday, June 28, 2009
Good bargains at last couple of car boots.. the tea pot I got last week is hilarious! Just don't look inside when its brewing.. the floaters can really put you off!!
Bit of stress with other purchases though.. the little coffee machine doesn't work properly.. grrr.. haven't tested the other yet. The stereo also didn't work when I tried it... yet when I tried to show Dad what was wrong with his present it worked perfectly!! Strange, but fine by me. Hopefully he will be able to record his vinyls to MP3 without too much stress.
Busy week at school. Wii night with Em and Lu on Tuesday.. played GH, once I found enough batteries! Busy time getting jobs done ready for the weekend on Wed, and babysitting Dan.. who is unbeleiveable on GH Metallica. Celebration evening Thurs.. managed to not cry (which was a relief as we had to sit on the stage) had chips with Jono at the Shelly roundabout after! Full day at school and then shift with Luke on Fri, so very tired by the time I got home. Awake early on Sat bit didn't get up till 8. Frosties and cleaning, then did my run. Did the 10k in 42:53, and carried on till 12k. Happy with that, but am running at a speed now (14kph) that my body finds hard, so legs (esp hamstrings) stiff after. Think I may well get myself talked into the Nottingham half marathon in September. Not looking forward to trying to run fast for more than 20 minutes!
Just about got all clean and tidy when family arrived. They all think the teapot is hilarious too! Popped into town in the afternoon.. Nan liked the market. I found Mario and Sonic at the Olympics in Cash Converters so I was happy! Went into the Unicorn to avoid the rain.. ended up having a lovely meal. Must have worn them all out.. they were all asleep on the sofa when we got back, so I finished my jobs then catalogued my vinyl collection (118). I was hoping to watch Murray at Wimbledon, but he was too good, and had gone through easily by the time I finished faffing about with 80s cheese and even dodgier Brass!
Also got distracted by the cool pattern the rain left on the table..

Great evening, got Chinese and Em and Hannah Johns came over. Played wii. Don't believe that Hannah (just back from Japan) has never heard of wii... she was alarmingly good at it! Everyone had a good laugh.. was lovely. Just one person missing :-( Am still unbelievably sad, but trying hard to trust God. And it feels so much better not having to hide anything from family. Bless Mum for telling Nan on Friday.. although I imagine it could have been quite an amusing conversation. Apparenty Nan was worried whether I still loved her!?! Maybe she got mixed up bless her!
Awake very early, despite only getting to bed past one. Up, showered and out to the car boot before anyone else surfaced hehe.
Good bargains again today.. Underworld DVDs for Chalkie. Nice to be able to give him a present for a change. I guess I won't ever know if the album really is signed by George Michael himself. I guess I could just choose to beleive it is. The bloke was nice anyway, we had a good chat about our George. Got my second copy of the Shack. I have a feeling it won't be the last. Want everyone to read it... praying that it helps them as much as it did me. Hope Jon likes his present.. I'll let him beat me at the Bond game at Christmas. Eeek.. did I just mention Christmas?? heck.. its only June.
Right.. its Sunday night. I'm back from Donington. Family all safely on their way. There are about 1080 photos of bikes for me to edit... oh dear Harley.

Busy week at school. Wii night with Em and Lu on Tuesday.. played GH, once I found enough batteries! Busy time getting jobs done ready for the weekend on Wed, and babysitting Dan.. who is unbeleiveable on GH Metallica. Celebration evening Thurs.. managed to not cry (which was a relief as we had to sit on the stage) had chips with Jono at the Shelly roundabout after! Full day at school and then shift with Luke on Fri, so very tired by the time I got home. Awake early on Sat bit didn't get up till 8. Frosties and cleaning, then did my run. Did the 10k in 42:53, and carried on till 12k. Happy with that, but am running at a speed now (14kph) that my body finds hard, so legs (esp hamstrings) stiff after. Think I may well get myself talked into the Nottingham half marathon in September. Not looking forward to trying to run fast for more than 20 minutes!
Just about got all clean and tidy when family arrived. They all think the teapot is hilarious too! Popped into town in the afternoon.. Nan liked the market. I found Mario and Sonic at the Olympics in Cash Converters so I was happy! Went into the Unicorn to avoid the rain.. ended up having a lovely meal. Must have worn them all out.. they were all asleep on the sofa when we got back, so I finished my jobs then catalogued my vinyl collection (118). I was hoping to watch Murray at Wimbledon, but he was too good, and had gone through easily by the time I finished faffing about with 80s cheese and even dodgier Brass!
Also got distracted by the cool pattern the rain left on the table..

Great evening, got Chinese and Em and Hannah Johns came over. Played wii. Don't believe that Hannah (just back from Japan) has never heard of wii... she was alarmingly good at it! Everyone had a good laugh.. was lovely. Just one person missing :-( Am still unbelievably sad, but trying hard to trust God. And it feels so much better not having to hide anything from family. Bless Mum for telling Nan on Friday.. although I imagine it could have been quite an amusing conversation. Apparenty Nan was worried whether I still loved her!?! Maybe she got mixed up bless her!
Awake very early, despite only getting to bed past one. Up, showered and out to the car boot before anyone else surfaced hehe.

Right.. its Sunday night. I'm back from Donington. Family all safely on their way. There are about 1080 photos of bikes for me to edit... oh dear Harley.