Monday, June 22, 2009
On a whim
apparently the correct answer when someone asks you on a Friday afternoon if you want to go up Snowdon tomorrow is.. Yes!
The BBC website said cloudy start, clear by midday. So, with ideas of glorious sunshine in our heads we set off at 7am. I slept most of the way.. and learned that my head acts like a loudspeaker (I didn't think my ipod was that loud, but I had to admit to listening to Oxygene!!! how old school is that! .. hope they didn't hear the Winnie the Pooh stories on the way back).
We intended to go up the Ryhd Ddu path, it being not so popular, and not too steep. Nice waterfall on the way...
Tim being (in the words of Joy.. 'a pratt')
A little delayed onset map reading reveals that we are in fact now on the Watkin path... somewhat steeper and ridgier!
The obligatory 'summit photo'..
View from the summit..

Haha.. can you tell its in Wales? The cloud did lift a bit as we descended, well.. more acurately, it stayed still and we walked back down through it..

Nice view coming down the Rhd Ddu path.. actually I'm glad we went up the Watkins.. was interesting, nice bit of scrambling... and prefer coming down the easier path.
I can see the sea!!!!!
Lovely day out.. nice food at Joy's parents too. Lots of sleep in the car.. think sleeping anywhere is my special skill!
The BBC website said cloudy start, clear by midday. So, with ideas of glorious sunshine in our heads we set off at 7am. I slept most of the way.. and learned that my head acts like a loudspeaker (I didn't think my ipod was that loud, but I had to admit to listening to Oxygene!!! how old school is that! .. hope they didn't hear the Winnie the Pooh stories on the way back).
We intended to go up the Ryhd Ddu path, it being not so popular, and not too steep. Nice waterfall on the way...

Haha.. can you tell its in Wales? The cloud did lift a bit as we descended, well.. more acurately, it stayed still and we walked back down through it..