Thursday, July 31, 2008


Old, underweight and unbalanced

Yep. Thats what the Wii Fit says I am!!! remarkable how it got to know me so quickly. So...this is what all the fuss is about...

Got me sussed aint it...

Need to thank Alison for me finally getting the wii..she just popped into Game this morning on the off chance...they said they might get some in later...she made me bike into town when they wouldn't answer the phone! Cheers dude! Second moment of Toy Stardom in 2 days for her.

Thanks too to Ma and Pa for buying it for me for my birfday...fanks :-)

And yeah...I know I'm getting a bit out of synch with my blog entries...but birthday ones are on Alison's camera and yesterday was a huuuuge amount of photos to sort thru... was absolutely brilliant...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Think avoiding

Well, as its gone midnight I guess its officially my birthday now. Well, that and you had better not feed me. Not feeling great about birthday right need to keep brain distracted. Here's the photos from Sunday then...

Finally got to use the enough for me to realise now that maybe black garden furniture not such a good idea...burnt bottom on chair and could fry eggs on the glass table. Oh well.

After a three hour long quick cuppa we finally made it out for dinner. Typical Harley sense of direction led to difficulty locating Trent Lock on Memory Map. Then after all that Ma failed to heed our calls to push hard and let go. Drat!

Chalkie looking cool in his OCC shades! Only photo I have of him NOT pulling a face. I dunno...worse than Karen!

Must stop trying to be's just mucky water!

Ratcliffe on Soar power station...helpful landmark for next time I forget where this bloomin place is.

About to go in the lock. Think was the first time Nan had seen this for real...."they don't have them on the brooooaaaaads"

Cute!Pops proves his eyesight is as good as his hearing...."I see no ships"

OK. Time for bed said Zebedee. Lets hope Game have a Wii Fit in tomorrow...or the novelty of not having to do thesis corrections could wear off quite quickly....whole day to kill...lets hope someone bought me Lego.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Funky Monkey!!!

Sun 27th July. Rach and Pete kindly took me to play at Funky Monkeys...a cafe with a coooool soft play area (although with some parts not soft enough...a fact to which my glasses will atest...oops).

The slide was fun... this time I didn't get my hips stuck, and there was no puddle at the bottom to land in.

"Auntie know your's this big!"

Toddler chess..

She loves the police car (which we are totally in favour of...the pink princess car is rubbsih!)

LOLOLOL! That's the best Les Dawson I've seen since my Nan took her teeth out at Christmas!!

Not sure whose face is more amusing!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


No Smoking

Friday 25th July.

Parents came down v late Thurs night so that Pops could fix my car (yet again) on the way up to Rotherham the next day. Bless him. So...Mini Moby now has a shiny new brake calliper...and hopefully no more smoke.

He let me put the wheel back we know who to blame when....

Well earned tea and biscuits in the sun..

Friday, July 18, 2008


Doctor, Doctor I'm wearing a silly hat!

Am making steady progress towards my own...but today was John Whitley's graduation. Well done JW. Was feeling all proud of him and had forgiven him for graduating before me....then he called me his landlady!!! Grrr. Anyway. This graduating lark looks like a great way to get lots of hugs. Really want to put the photo where Alison thought the tassle was a spider on here, but fear my life may not be worth living if I do.

Jon's pretty pleased about it all too!

Although I have no idea what he is doing to Whitley here to make him look that pained!

Or why they then took up ballroom dancing.

Alison the LU socialite with the honourary graduand she just happened to chat to at last night's posh dinner.

John does his best Napoleon impression while Ian tests the theory that the hat flushes when you pull the cord.

Am so going to steal Rich's haircut (gotta be better than looking like Bart Simpson!).

And the group shot to finish. Cheesey but... oh and's true about the hugs.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Worse than I remember

Did some thesis work. Not as much as yesterday, so am a bit disappointed. Crowning achievement of today was killing my lawn mower. Got 3/4 of the way thru the admittedly long grass...then funny noise...then bad smell...then no more working...then smoke. Oops. Also manage to play tennis today. Well, I use the term play in the loosest sense. I hit the ball some of the time, and lets not concern ourselves with where it went.

Also my head is a funny colour now. And I have lost a flip flop. Very annoyed about that.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Starting..the hardest part

Monday morning back to work. Or so I had planned. Actually managed to procrastinate this morning via an unexpected theological debate over MSN, and then run shower toast etc. Did eventually manage 40 pages of the basic corrections today. So good start in the end. And had a lovely break, and went for birthday drinks with Emily and had a good chat with a couple of ex Humpties students.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Hopefully no more work avoiding

Well, thats all the chores done. Hopefully there's nothing left to use as work avoiding tomorrow. Well...I have to cut the grass but... Had really nice lunch..cooked roast for Karen (no evidence of poisoning/contamination as yet) then played Star Wars Trivial Pursuit and Wii sports. Good fun. Watched Summer Holiday while ironing. Was worse than I remember. No-one needs the sight of Cliff in a string vest on a Sunday afternoon! now.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


School's out for Summer!!!!

Made it to the end of another year...just! Came close in the last couple of weeks. Oh well. So much to do in the holidays... to be honest I'm not really looking forward to the holidays...endless To Do list, topped with the Thesis corrections. Not fun. That and having nothing nice planned...not going away anywhere. Got to try to be 'glass half full' about least I don't have to go to unlikely to get bullied by an 11 year old every day.

So, what have I managed so far. Well..curry with the dept was a bit rubbish, but at least extracted myself early..had my earliest night for about 2 weeks! Managed to sleep a tiny bit late..then took my duvet to the sofa to watch Rugrats! hehe. Got started on the To Do list..cleaned rats, did a run, cleaned the shower. Nice half hour with Alison, then toast and jam watching star trek for dinner (incorporating nice nap!) Finished cleaning bathroom and kitchen, did washing, tidied a bit, got lied to by 3 again and had a nice read. Film and chinese to finish. Not too bad..some fun stuff and lots of jobs done.

Reading: Half Moon Investigations by Eion Colfer
Listening: Roger Taylor solo album...can't remember title right now
Watching: ST:TOS, Rugrats, American Chopper, Transformers movie

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