Thursday, July 31, 2008


Old, underweight and unbalanced

Yep. Thats what the Wii Fit says I am!!! remarkable how it got to know me so quickly. So...this is what all the fuss is about...

Got me sussed aint it...

Need to thank Alison for me finally getting the wii..she just popped into Game this morning on the off chance...they said they might get some in later...she made me bike into town when they wouldn't answer the phone! Cheers dude! Second moment of Toy Stardom in 2 days for her.

Thanks too to Ma and Pa for buying it for me for my birfday...fanks :-)

And yeah...I know I'm getting a bit out of synch with my blog entries...but birthday ones are on Alison's camera and yesterday was a huuuuge amount of photos to sort thru... was absolutely brilliant...

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