Monday, August 29, 2005


Harley's Room - Keep Out!

Just finished my room. I made the bed when I got back from SS (1am finish) and sorted out the folding table and bookshelf today. I put the mirror up myself. Making holes in the wall is fun. I can see why Remi has so many power tools now. Just got to move in my clothes and some books and then I'm done. I like my music wall. Shame there isn't room for the drums! Duvet is thanks to Simon (now aged 21, so it must have been around a while). King Louie is most definately mine though.

I've been really grumpy today. Schools starts again tomorrow and yet again I haven't got as much done as I wanted to. Still a lot of things happened that I wasn't expecting to have to deal with, but no excuse really. I pray for the gift of a concentration span greater than that of a goldfish.

Lunch at the Walkers was great. They are so funny. Jon doesn't even have to do anything to make me laugh. I think we have an alarmingly similar sense of humour. Or so Alison says when we are both being stupid (Swedish Chef impressions today).

Right. Finished my last beer of the summer. Time for bed said Zebedee.

Boo Hiss

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Not the easy road

Life a bit crap at the moment. Not sure I want to write about it on here. Those that need to know already do. Hugs welcome at any time at the mo (well, not just at the mo, always. Bit like trainers, hugs, can never have enough!)

Listening to Nina Simone right now, whilst downloading Buena Vista Social Club. Blatantly avoiding starting todays writing, as that involves too much sitting still and thinking about stuff. And my mind wanders like something that wanders a lot. Entry for World's Poorest Analogy 2005.

Found some useful stuff in Psalms yesterday before the talk with Remi with a kickstart from Alison. (Okay, so have decided to talk about it). It was never going to be easy to say the stuff I had to. Will be even harder the day Remi finds someone else and starts a family. I hope I can deal with stuff well enough to be his friend even then. He will be a great Dad, and I don't think I can give him what he wants. Anyway before there are tears on the keyboard I'll get back to Psalms. AW suggested 27 (don't be afraid, God is with you). I went on to find 119 (walk in the ways of the Lord, stick to His rules) and 123 (which I will write in reply to the nice messages I get left for me by my pupils). Also thought Psalm 9 v1+2 was a great guide to life (easier when you are still at Soul Survivor rather than back in the cold hard light of reality).

More about SS later. It will be the happy hyper version.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005



One of the things on my long and lingering To Do List is to put a photo of my rats on my blog. So, here is Rizzo. She was the best rat ever. Remi was convinced she thought she was a dog, she used to follow us around (which led to her getting almost stood more than once) and steal food. I miss her.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Beyond the Sea

Forgot to mention it earlier, and its so good it deserves its own post. I've just downloaded the soundtrack from the site mentioned below. Glad no-one can hear me sing along. I have to learn to be a cool jazz/swing drummer. And get a tux! (Wouldn't look as good as Sim though) The film itself is fantastic (yes, ok, I cried) its about the life of Bobby Darin. It features his best songs and has the best 'courting' scene ever. Kevin Spacey must have had such fun making the soundtrack. He is brilliant.


Shiny Bum

Yep, Mini Moby has a shiny rear end. Hopefully I'll get some PhD done this afternoon and then sort the rest of him out. Not been doing much so far this week. I think I already blogged that I reformatted my PC. Still working at the mo. Fingers crossed. Solved the download problem, so have been getting some new MP3s. Emu found a fantastic site where you can legally download tracks for 10 cents a time. Albums are less than a couple of dollars. Hurrah for the Russians!

They made me play in goal of sunday. I was crap and didnt enjoy it at all. Oh well.

Reading: Bill Bryson Brief History of the World (and websites on lasers and all sorts)
Watching: Star Trek Enterprise (Scott Bakula in zero G shower scene hehe)
Doing: bits of methodology, wasting time and money on ebay. oops.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Reformat Epic

Well its taken all day and I've sorted through 4 partitions and got rid of more than 7 gig of rubbish and got much more rubbish backed up onto DVD, but I think I am there (minus about 30 programs to install). If this publishes it means that I have got my PC back onto the internet. Hopefully the new firefox install won't get stuck loading webpages or refuse to download stuff like Mozilla was doing. Time to get some sleep ready for footy and church tomorrow. And hopefully finishing to get the PC straight (slow it down again by putting all the rubbish back on) and polishing Mini Moby. How do I have time for a job the rest of the year?

Monday, August 01, 2005


eek! 28 already

Dunno about getting old, my sports injuries tell me I'm there already. That said I had a fantastic game of football yesterday and a run today and I'm feeling good. Wait till I try to get downstairs tomorrow.

Friday was my birthday. Most of it was crap, but we won't go into that. Lunch was fantastic, picnic with the SGS plus Alison on the fountain on campus. Very civillised. I had 2 donuts and 2 slices of toffee cake and consequently felt very sick all afternoon, worth it though. Saturday was great once parents got here. Quickly got the grub for the party, then off to Decathlon to play with the 2 second tents, and get some gear for football. Most embarrassing having to ask where the headbands were. Got some new shin pads too, although I later discovered that they leave dents in my legs.

Mexican party was great. Ma, Pa and Chalkie were a massive help getting ready for it, we were completely unstressed. That was helped by the fact that my friends know me well so none of them actually turned up at the stated 7:30! Food was well yummy, if I say so myself. Didn't make much of a dent in the large vat of chilli, so have been inventing some interesting chilli based recipies. Everyone seemed to enjoy the party, and my team won the game of Articulate (unlike the game of Trivial Pursuit with TV questions for smegments on Sunday eve, bad idea when playing against Chalkie).

Football on Sunday was great fun. I was well nervous before the game, and I refused to go in goal, or to run the line (wimp). I played right wing, and I think I have finally discovered my position. My second touch was a perfect through ball which Sally stuck in the back of the net with grace and ease (well chuffed that M, P + C) had arrived just in time to see it). They nearly put me off shouting for 'Harley', but at least I didn't hear them call me 'Sparrow'!

After lunch (mexican leftovers) we went to Bradgate Park. Looked a bit silly carrying 5 kites when there was absolutely no wind, but had a nice bimble round. Crashed out after they left, watched Bridget 2 and started on the mountain of chocolate I got for my birthday (along with Chalkie's most random pressie yet - a scuba turbine thingy like out of Thunderball).

Right must go now, gotta cook grandads beans. Even though I'm no linger hungry thanks to the bowl of ice-cream me and Toni had as a reward after our super speedy run round outwoods. I can still run, me so happy!

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