Monday, July 20, 2009


Day 10 - Floppy Hat Day

The fact that my ipod was on low battery alert at 7am tells you how much I slept last night! Felt so sick too. Gave up trying to sleep at half 7 and got showered, then forced some Shreddies down.. nearly threw up the carrot cake. Got changed at half 8 then paced for 20mins till everyone was ready. Cried when Alison got here. After that God helped me to cope. Was trying to bribe Chalkie to drive away.. when Alison convinced me that I really did want to go ... HOPE POWELL was the Honorary Graduand.

Long walk down from the car park, met Em then got robed up. Had a laugh in the queue. My 'supporters' got front row seats.. thanks to Sharon, who normally works Security in Matthew Arnold building. Relieved that I was sitting with people I knew.. follow Lara became my plan! Ceremony mostly just applauding.. after the virtual reality safety announcement.. and several speeches that I can't remember a word of. We were after the Honorary guys.. Hope was ace!!! Our bit kinda caught me by suprise.. didn't have enough time to panic.. up, walk round, up the stairs and go!! When I got back to my seat I did wonder whether I had remember to shake the Chancellor's hand! Was on autopilot I think.. tried to spot Clyde and Jo on stage, but failed. I do remember though being the only person to applaud Hope Powell as I passed her.. I mouthed Well Done.. Luckily it doesn't look that bad on the webcast! (Mon.. 10:30.. 68mins in). Got my certificate from Moira, who I failed to recognise from the one time I played football against her 5 months ago!

Was glad to see Jo as the important stage people all 'processed' out.. gave each other a big thumbs up. Disappointed I couldn't find her outside though. Took me long enough to find the family again! Tried to get some sensible photos suitable for Nan and the piano, got some really lovely silly ones too. Went to the fountain to get some pics, but was raining by then... popped into the Union to get an AV hoody.. Mum says its my last thing from Uni!! Next we went to the flowers on Epinal way for yet more photos, as the sun was out again. Then round to the LU sign.. doing all the cliches! Unfortunately some people had some fun at Grad Ball on the Friday night, and had nicked bits of it. Tried to find Jo in her office but failed, so had one last look around the Victory Hall area for her. Parents ambled back to the car while I returned my robes.. was actually really sad to hand them over in the end.. got quite attached to my bonnet!

Everyone had rumbly tumblys by then so we tried to reach a decison regarding food. Went for the pub in Woodhouse where we could sit outside. Unfortunately they had stopped serving bar food by then and the restaurant was booked out.. lots of people up for some graduation thing at the University they said! Tried another pub up the road, similar story.. then we got lucky at the Pear Tree, who were lovely to us and gave us food even though we were a bit late. Had a nice drink outside in the sun first.. discovering that the bottle of Weston's Organic Cider was in fact 3.3 units worth! Not good at lunchtime with an empty tummy! Wobbled indoors for a yummy pannini that I managed to finish. Think everyone really enjoyed their meal. Home for a cuppa! Mum had planned on Bucks Fizz, but everyone wanted tea! Alison left after a short while (sad) and after an even shorted while everyone else was asleep! So I uploaded Dad and Chalkie's photos. Sorted out my graduation and birthday pressie, when Chalkie was telling me about the place he bought his camera.. printed out details of the lens I would like.. this place in Norwich is sooo much cheaper than flippin Jessops!

Remembered University Challenge just in time (family had just left) but the Sky box had other ideas.. it did its throwing a fit thing on me.. turning itself off. Did a soft reset, and eventually my calmness was rewarded.. I'd only missed the introductions. I did quite well (9 or 10) but LU did better.. they won with over 200! Was so proud to be a Lufbra Grad today!! Its the most I've cared about Uni Challenge.. was worried when we went behind.. shouting come on! each time we got a starter question. Jennings was fab.. could sympathise when it was obvious the answer was in her head somewhere but just wouldn't let itself be found in time.

Food and skype and photos.. then sleep. Luckily more than the previous night.

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