Sunday, July 19, 2009
Day 9
Awake so early I'd just about managed to fall asleep again by the time the alarm went off! Car boot.. got a cool toy.. the Meccano bike.. its the one I almost bought in Hamley's a few years ago but it was 20 odd quid and I really wanted Lego.. got it today for.. wait for it... 50p!!!

Home and a bit of tidying, although not much, but did reframe my signed George record. Then made 'healthy carrot cake'. Was still faffing with that when Karen came over.. seemingly to question my baking skills, and the term healthy. Family arrived just as cake was going in the oven. Did the usual cuppa, gave them each their pressies. Mum played in the garden while Trev showed off his toy (new Lumix camera) and we started making my toy. Popped onto campus to collect my robes .. was hilarious.. the woman was checking I had everything.. so I said yeah stupid floppy hat is there.. she said 'actually its a bonnet!!' Glad Pops wasn't there or we'd have wet ourselves. Then they noticed there was no string on my bonnet, so this old guy says 'no problem, follow me sir'.. at which the woman says 'er, its a lady'. He apologised profusely.. honestly, I don't know how he couldn't tell... in my baggy jeans and Batman t shirt lol! Laughed in the foyer when I told the guys. Went for a drive round campus.. reminiscing about the first drop off in Elvyn.. how sad I looked as they drove away etc etc.
Much fun back at home finding 'smart' clothes and trying on the gown. Mum about wet herself when I tried on my bonnet!!
Then we played Pass the Bomb and Scattergories before going to the Mugal for the Sunday night buffet! Coffee and SPiderman Uno back home before bed. Praying tomorrow never comes.

Home and a bit of tidying, although not much, but did reframe my signed George record. Then made 'healthy carrot cake'. Was still faffing with that when Karen came over.. seemingly to question my baking skills, and the term healthy. Family arrived just as cake was going in the oven. Did the usual cuppa, gave them each their pressies. Mum played in the garden while Trev showed off his toy (new Lumix camera) and we started making my toy. Popped onto campus to collect my robes .. was hilarious.. the woman was checking I had everything.. so I said yeah stupid floppy hat is there.. she said 'actually its a bonnet!!' Glad Pops wasn't there or we'd have wet ourselves. Then they noticed there was no string on my bonnet, so this old guy says 'no problem, follow me sir'.. at which the woman says 'er, its a lady'. He apologised profusely.. honestly, I don't know how he couldn't tell... in my baggy jeans and Batman t shirt lol! Laughed in the foyer when I told the guys. Went for a drive round campus.. reminiscing about the first drop off in Elvyn.. how sad I looked as they drove away etc etc.
Much fun back at home finding 'smart' clothes and trying on the gown. Mum about wet herself when I tried on my bonnet!!
Then we played Pass the Bomb and Scattergories before going to the Mugal for the Sunday night buffet! Coffee and SPiderman Uno back home before bed. Praying tomorrow never comes.