Saturday, July 18, 2009


Day 8

Awake.. always goes downhill from there. Got shreddies and squash and went back to bed. Edited some video for the Golf Masterclass. Tim came by with a gift, which was nice of him but I wish he hadn't as I would rather not graduate or have a birthday. Run.. was really good. Did a whole hour watching HP Chamber of Secrets, so that's me up to 14km, and I didn't die at the end, and I didn't feel rubbish afterwards either. More cereal and a nap watching Rugrats. Woken up by Ma phoning. Cut the grass, had more food (pasta leftovers) then a shower. Had another tears attack so curled up in the spare room upstairs with the 'when your rope breaks' book. No idea how long I slept for, but I think two naps in one day is shameful! Shopping list for baking and printer, then outrage in Tesco at the fact that it cost thirty bloomin quid to replace my cartridges!!! (Insert anti HP rant here!)

Felt better when I got some lovely prints done with no fuss.. some for cards and frames, and some special ones where I worked out how to stitch photos together, to get 4 little pictures on a normal 4x6 print. Was feeling guilty about not having got round to putting pictures in the magnet frames Rach had bought me... but she had hers up on her fridge.. and I asked "do you know these children?" felt less bad that she had the same problem as me.


Made some rice krispie squares.. well more like very sticky marshmallow lump. Then wii fit while tea cooking (lazy pizza option). Watched Iron Man. Was good. Guinness must slow down by brain, there was at least a 2 second gap between the funniest bit and me doing aspie laugh (where he is testing the boots at 10% power in case you're wondering). Decided against the original plan of doing some lego video, came upstairs instead to do more HP to MP3ing and to finish the mini photos. Could well be time for bed now.

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