Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Day 5

Too much time wasted today.. mostly in silly ideas.

No run, washed the kite in the shower. didn't make much difference. Off to Tessa's for the Autism course. More plasticine. Went well, but got sad at the end. She laughs at me a lot. Also gave me silly ideas about keeping chickens. Then Aldi in search of airbeds and paddling pools. Then B+Q in search of paddling pools. Then Go Outdoors in search of airbeds. Refused to pay extra 4 quid for new card on top of the already more than other places price. Off to Tescos in search of airbed. Got one. And purple golf tees. Home for leftovers dinner. Fell asleep watching a bit more of Lost in Space. Keep expecting main character to say "How you doin!" Cleaned rats. Lost a rat. Found rat when he bit my toe while I was making coffee. Had nice coffee and a danish (treat from Aldi) and read book in conservatory. Book got horrid. Hid book. Felt sick. Cried. Did bins. Cried some more. Tried to Skype Em, ended up wasting couple of hours researching chicken coops. Skyped Alison. Cried even more. Cooked proper food with fresh vegetables. Watched end of Ocean's Eleven. Cried some more. Swept and hung out washing. Cried. Did some accounts and the podiatry form and some HP tape to MP3-ing. Now going to bed where I will probably cry again.

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