Monday, July 13, 2009


Day 3

Out of bed and straight onto treadmill. Did 6km, an alleged 'recovery run' but at 14kph it wasn't really. Tummy cramped up again.. maybe doritos not a suitable main meal after all. Nice breakfast on the patio, yummy cappuccino and started reading 'A Spot of Bother'. Shower then painting while listening to AC/DC Back in Black on vinyl. Bank on way to Luke's for afternoon shift. Was fun, mooched around town in the rain, came back and snacked while watching Friends. He has such good taste.. he bought the Dogtanian and the Muskerhounds DVD in Cash Converters!

Home and a bit of HP.. woke up to dropped book. No suprise. Maybe should get my iron checked.. seem permanently tired. Caught up with email, printed letter to lawyers, did some more HP tape to MP3-ing, ran out of time to do accounts. Made myself go eat something proper (spag bol) and watched QI. Now time for more HP in bed.

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