Sunday, May 17, 2009


Stop it Graeme

Ok, so Graeme has just done the Manchester 10k in 43.20. Bum. Not sure I can run that fast. I felt awful on the treadmil yesterday (did 44.33) I think its cos I've not been eating properly again. Been a really really bad week. Got the news I was dreading. I'm praying its just something that has to happen on the way to things being sorted out for the better. Praying hard. Glad Karen is here to keep me calm and reassure me I'm not going mad.

Started my new job on Friday.. went well.. his Mum said I did well, so.. I guess its just getting more confident with things. And hoping that people will just tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. Survived a week at school too!

Slept most of yesterday.. life is easier when unconscious! Eventually managed some painting.. and lots more talking things through with Karen on Skype. Today was up early for car boot (small due to poor weather forecast) .. one of the records is a joke btw.. !

Drummed at the morning service (only smegged one up). Waiting for a furniture delivery now (storing for someone else) and I suppose I'd better do more painting.. too much to do before parents come next weekend.. if only I'd used that time off.. but then I really didn't feel like doing anything.. motivation still a big struggle.

I'm starting to blog as well :) I'll probably not be as good as you though :)

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