Monday, May 11, 2009


More stuff

Right, lets take a look in iPhoto and see what needs to go on.. hmm think most things have gone on the House blog.. just a few car boots from April.. varying numbers of bargains..

That reminds me.. Bank Holiday Monday went to the Lions Carnival thing with Alison, Karen and Graeme. Was freezing. Made a sunflower pot (well painted it.. badly.. on a SW theme, it being May 4th). Got some stuff at the car boot (adidas top and SW book). Resisted the tombola. Laughed when Alison won a dog comb. Laughed when Graeme got into a local Councillor conversation. Laughed more when we abandoned him. Had tea and cake and death.

Graeme enjoyed scones and the Dandy annual..

Harley enjoys a few Scoobies..

And is amused by the sign in the tea tent..

And Karen, as usual (and despite being having a lovely face) just pulls weird faces at me..

Then came back to mine, played the Bond scene it game (Karen won). Had very healthy tea. Played Guitar Hero with Joey and got my ass whooped at Baseball. Need to find someone to play me at the SW trivial pursuit. Might stand half a chance of winning. Unless its a member of the Lee family. Will have to see if my Mentor Group like the other games I got. Surely has to be better than silent reading?! Am doing good at shopping list car booting.. found a shower radio (really missed it when John took his) and found Graeme a tea pot, and found the thing to go on the end of my hose. Need to set myself a challenge.. like find a Harley for twenty quid.. or any Lego (there's none about :-( ). Ok.. time for bed said Zebedee. Hope Nurse Numpty is satisfied. Oh.. did 5k in 21:03 today, and have done two sub 45 min 10ks now, achieving my target for the year.. but not beating Graeme's race time.. got to get 44:09. Drat.

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