Thursday, May 28, 2009


More bikes

Trying to distract myself.. but mostly just wishing I could time travel back two years.. had a wonderful day at the Heights of Abraham in Matlock with Alison, her Mum and Graeme. We laughed so much that day.

Skipped the run yesterday, so have to do it today. Still can't eat though.. feel sick all the time. Doesn't facilitate good running. Yesterday I stayed under the duvet and read The Shack instead. Has been really really helpful.. think that was actually my 'God Bargain' from the car boot on Sun. My image of God is now more Mma than Papa... kind of a cross between Mma Ramotswe from the Ladies Detective Agency, and the Oracle from the Matrix. Can really imagine her listening to me crying and her reassuring me.. that she has it all in hand.. I just need to trust her.

Praying for Karen too.. has her Titanium Toe operation today.

Back to bikes.. Chris Walker in the front of this pack.. he finished 3rd in this race.

The winner.. James Ellison..

Why is blonde (ok orange) always a shock?!

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