Monday, March 16, 2009


Not the best week ever

Tues nice.. Autism course again, then coffee and chocolates in the conservatory with Alison on her actual birthday. She liked her pressies, especially the Cromer album.
Wed.. school, reports, gardening for the Lees, further Macbook - video camera failure, prayer thing at church.
Thurs.. tough day at school, then got a nasty letter from Remi's solicitors when I got home. First lawn mowing of the year. Mostly just crap and annoyed.
Fri.. most disappointing RND at school ever.. allowed to wear a nose and that was it. Really good OAA lesson with year 7 group, but otherwise poo day. Got elbowed in the ribs playing netball at lunch. Sport just hurts these days. Watched all the RND stuff on tv with Alison, mostly enjoyable. David Tennant hilarious. Got big ideas about Kilimanjaro now.
Sat.. orienteering in the Outwoods. Forgot how terrible I am at it. 54 mins for an orange course. oh dear! Mostly thanks to getting completely lost looking for control 2. Need to get used to those maps again. Did 3 hours cleaning/ironing work in the afternoon... gets me about half a theatre ticket for London in the holidays! Then did visuals for the Chris and Gisela Slater Walker talk at church. Best bit was me and Thom getting in trouble for giggling at the back. Watched Addams Family when I got back.

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