Monday, January 05, 2009



Tuesday: Another sleepy start.. then I set off on my mission to create an amazing animation with Lego using my cool new video camera... only to be utterly defeated by toys not wanting to play nice with each other. I could not get either camera to work with the Mac or the Istopmotion software. Was gutted and stressed. Felt like I had wasted a whole day. Luckily Alison and Karen came over and rescued me from my grump through large amounts of TV watching. Have to remember to put the photo in here of just what lengths Alison will go to to feel warm!

Wednesday 31st December: playing with the video camera again in the morning (well, after lazing in bed and then a run) making a review of 2008 goals film. In the afternoon I joined Alison for a mooch around town.. hoping to get last minute bargains in Woolies but getting there a day too late! Don't think I bought anything actually... mainly cos I'd left my Waterstones vouchers at home... bit of a Star Wars/photography book dilemma there.. actually I bought the most posh milk I've ever had.. it was 'not just' 2 pints of semi! and some strange food for tea in Marks (well, that Cava that came with the deal was yummy). Tea at the flat, then a nap on the sofa .. we're such party animals! then round to Sophie's for the New Years Party. Bit strange as only 5 people there.. but was good fun, playing board games and getting through far too many nibbles hehe. The actual changeover was a bit of a let down.. Jools began his 10 second countdown.. and instead of everyone shouting Happy New Year at midnight and hugging and being all happy... they were just argueing about the time.. "well my watch says there's 2 minutes to go" etc etc. Oh well. Didn't stay much longer... went back to the flat and drank the aforementioned cava before a cold ride home!

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