Monday, January 05, 2009


Start as you mean to go on!

Is exactly what I did. So when I woke (rather late, yet again hehe) I reached down for the box and began the New Year by making Lego Starfighters in bed!!

Was an excellent way to kick things off I thought. Then I did the 'I shall be good and I shall get fit' thing and did a run on the treadmill. Is quite pitiful that I'm only running 5k at 12kph at the mo. Had to christen some new trainers for the new year cos the others were so old and un-bouncy..not good for my poor old knees!

Breakfast and shower then headed off to the Beacon Pub. Was further than I thought so had to run as was late. Went in and got lots of strange looks... no friends inside tho... phoned them, only to see them strolling up the road! Was a fun quiz (esp the music lyrics round) but it took about 4 hours!!! I did manage to make one pint of Guinness last the whole quiz, which I think is quite some feat of slowness. And they made me eat a cheese cob so I didn't go all silly, but it had yukky onion in it.

Chilled night here after.. so chilled we fell asleep watching the movie.. which doesn't do 'The Big Kahuna' justice.. it was really good.. just couldn't keep eyes open.

Friday 2nd. Probably more messing about with Lego (vulture droid this time) and treadmills and Macs and videos in the morning.

Went to a workshop in the Apple store in Highcross in the afternoon, via a brief wander around the sales with A and Karen. (Only a Sesame St t shirt and Ninja turtles DVD in HMV hehe). The workshop was good, in that it gave me a few tricks and lots of inspiration for doing stuff with videos and making DVDs. It was short and rushed though, even though there was only the two of us, and no-one was able to help me with the video cameras and Macbook issue.

A very very productive evening in after that... did the filming for my Christmas pressies video, and tidied them away (kind of) ... anyone get the impression I like Star Wars?

...then worked out how to edit movies in iMovie, and also made a website in iWeb. All so easy! Helps using programs all in the same suite.. that work so well together. Even managed to upload my first Video blog to my site... although I must make them way way shorter in future... takes an age to upload.

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