Sunday, January 11, 2009


Happy Birthday Des

Saturday: g factor on the feminine side of God.. interesting. Then rushed off to Burleigh for the Hathern Brass Band concert. The world premiere of their newly commissioned Finale was fab. Late tea in the Laughing Buddha.. was yummy, and the complete opposite of Maxims.. great service and menu.

Sunday: Car boot on again... although there were only 6 tables, so I was done in 20 minutes. Glad we didn't go to sell today, think it would have been a costly waste of time. Anyway.. good game (we tested it after dinner)..

Probably a good job that I was back early, got the veggies prepared before doing a massage. Hosted a meal for Desree's birthday. Worked really well.. I did veggies.. Alison did meat (cut the crap...) and Karen and JPK did afters (an exceedingly yummy pavlova). Unfortunately I only got pics after we had cleared the decks (should have had proof.. Alison asked 4 greens...and got 4 kinds hehe).

Don't think JPK was particuarly happy about the prospect of being blogged.. can always remove him if he is not happy.

Des liked her card from Alison...

and her present... a little bit of Africa..

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