Sunday, January 18, 2009



Saturday... up late (oops). Showed potential new lodger round. Don't think she was very impressed. Oh well. Did a run (6.5k). Breakfast, shower. Afternoon already. Did some blog and video stuff, then made cookies...

... to take round Rach's. Played with Naomi for a bit.. she showed me Elmo and her Duplo, and she knows what colour my car is! Sounds weird to hear her saying my name.. have really lost track of her.. she is growing up and I missed it. Decided I need some toys for the bath.. she wouldn't lend me her purple whale tho :-(

Played Guitar Hero World Tour... with the Drums, Lead and Bass... was awesome. So much fun. And sooooo hard. I'm so bad at drumming... nearly phoned Nick to tell him I couldn't drum at EP today! Yet another toy to save up for!!! I'm getting worse. Watched Narnia (LWandW) in bed.

Up early today for the car boot. Tiny again. Red t-shirt is nice tho.

Nice chilled breakfast watching some more of Narnia. Few jobs to do (like getting the spare room ready for parents next weekend) then some GH practice on my old PS2 set.

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