Monday, January 05, 2009


Dr Dumbass

Monday 29th Jan. Busy day... helped Alison move into her flat. Lots of lugging boxes upstairs, which I'm good at. Then sorting her stuff out, which I'm bad at. Got told to just shove the DVDs on the shelf, not spend hours putting them in alphabetical order! At least I didn't divide coats into Posh Coats and Everyday Coats, and put swimming costumes on hangars like Karen did!

In the evening we had the Official Celebratory Meal.. the party for the PhD. Was great. We met at the Orange Tree in town (to make a change from Spoons). Karen and James were already there (oops!) and Em and Lucy, Rach, Des, Louisa, Tim and Joy also joined us.

Em bought me a very yummy drink.. an alcoholic milkshake that tasted just like a mint Aero.. mmm.
Was messing about with the video camera.. mostly Karen pulling faces hehe. My buddies gave me a fantastic gift... they had clubbed together and bought... STAR WARS LEGO!!! was soooo happy (obviously I had been whining a bit much that I hadn't got any for CM.. soz) Hurrah for Alison knowing me perfectly and Karen trying to be subtle in texts! Got my next suprise when we went to Maxims... a Spiderman tablecloth and lots of graduation hat confetti hehe... sneaky Alison!

Food was a bit stressy (crap menus and a rubbish waiter... it seems to have been taken over since A last went a couple of months ago) but we all got there in the end, and was quite nice. Was fab just to be there chatting with everyone.. all seemed to get on great. James got the prize for eating.. loads of starter then TWO meals! think he even beat Ems!

Joy obviously bored of waiting for her wheat free food... having remained terribly calm trying to get the idea of wheat free across

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