Sunday, November 16, 2008


Tripod... I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it!

Aspie brain obsessed with the need for a tripod now... you'll see why later!

Not a great week... off sick for 2 days, having never really recovered from last time. Head still screwed up like last time too. Oh well. Friday night was nice, went to see a friend of Alison's performing in Oliver at the theatre in Nottingham. Saturday was craft fair (got something nice for Mum) and more bloomin PhD and then a wander round the fair taking pictures before helping at the Girl's Room at church (on the understanding that we're not girly at all but thats ok). Not sure how much help I was but I did make a lovely bead bracelet and ear-ring set (though I say so myself!) for Alison. Was funny listening to the girls slating people i had taught last year, and saying how they hate PE!

Anyway..enough rambling... here's the cool pictures (and I need a tripod cos I can't hold the camera still enough for a 3 second exposure!)

Here's the ride still (well... technically mid spin but...) fairly boring (unless you're on it... I would have puked... am truely getting old :-( )

Much more exciting moving!

Another one 'still'...

...and moving!

View from the Loft

Bet you didn't know you can see Big Ben from Fred St!!!

Ok... wii or Harry Potter... hmmmm

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