Saturday, August 02, 2008


Birthday tea...sadly lacking in jelly and ice cream

Got photos from Alison can blog my birthday now. Birthday breakfast was great...I made pancakes while watching Star Wars III. Only downside was that I had to decline the offer of coffee and cake in Wests when Graeme texted... tummy far too full. Game were not answering the phone, and the guy had told me on Mon they were hoping to get some wii fit mad dash into town on bike. Soooo disappointed..had really really thought today would be my day. Oh well. Back home and onto treadmill watching rugrats. Got a PB for the 1500m, my first sub 6 (5:57) so pleased with that, especially after all those pancakes. Had planned on a bit of sunbathing but sun had other plans...all my fault cos I had got the paddling pool out ready. So shower then late dinner...fried egg and chip butty!!! Well, gotta look after the waistline now I'm getting on a bit!!!! Opened pressies in the afternoon, was feeling a bit lonely then Alison arrived to save the day. Tears cos she had bought me a little squirrel in Hamleys cos it reminded her of Grandad's carving signature.

The SGS were fantastic and got me a "portable" hammock. Stretches the definition of portable somewhat...we had enough trouble getting it out of the box!

On to the next birthday meal...Alison did a grand job of organising the curry buffet at the Peepul Centre in Leics...was yummy...and minimal decision making required!

Ems was happily reunited with her fountain pen...

Spider Spud was driving so he had to stick to the coke..

Me and Spidey invented chocolate orange cream sorbet...yummy!

Fun with rasberry sorbet... LOL!!! hahahaha

And fun with Spideys spare bits....that he keeps in his bottom.

Kung Fu Panda cake (thanks Mum) with different coloured flames...thanks to the Queen's candles that Alison pinched from Sandringham!

And lastly... Fantastic Mr Fox was waiting in the car park

Oh... and we all think the hammock is cursed..its rained since I got it!

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