Sunday, June 15, 2008


Race for Life

Suprised my self today. Was really nervous before the race, which is daft cos it was only 5k. Just pressure on myself to get a good time I guess. Found it really hard before the race, reading the 'running for..' messages on the back of people's shirts. Anyway, got a good position at the start, and first kilometre was about on target...and somehow after that I just got faster and faster. Think 5k might become my favourite distance! Tummy did not behave itself, cramped up and really hurt, but not as sloshy as has been. Was almost sick just after the finish line. But hey... nice route that took me back to runs with the SGS from the PhD office. Was weird not knowing where to go in places.. not having a crowd to follow. Was really pleased with my time, 22:56, and pleased to not get overtaken at the finish by someone I had encouraged to keep going 300m earlier! Alison came and found me on the bank...beaming...and told me I came fourth!!! I had no idea (prob just as well, cos I would have busted a gut trying to catch the girl way in front of me.

Was nice to see Rach and Naomi there too, was yummy birthday cake in my party bag from them. Nice to see Kate from school too. Shame I managed to say something stupid in the 30 second conversation (she can count to 4!).

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