Saturday, May 31, 2008


Still never ending

Another hard days work. To no avail. Fence still not finished, despite over 4 hours out there. Accounts still not finished. Desk still buried under papers of varying importance. Garden furniture still not bought. Trying not to get depressed. Have done loads. Got Pop's pressie ordered. Have to hope it gets there on time. day of hols left...hopefully get some ticks. (on the To Do list, not the insects).

Listening: MP3 of Eddie Izzard in french. Hilarious.
Reading: Five quarters of the Orange. Joanne Harris.
Watching: the end of Beyond the Sea. Cried.


Eek..its in two weeks!

Lets see if this works... finally got around to emailing folks about sponsoring me for the Race for Life. If this works I'll have a widget here too. How fancy is that!!


Worried parent

Now I know how it feels to lose a child. See TGF blog... but basically Tembo disappeared while I was cleaning his cage this morning. Eventually after stress and worry and tears, Alison found him in the garage. So so relieved.

Thought I was doing well too... hill run on treadmill, cleaned rat cage, cleaned bath, had shower, hour long massage on Ben (inflicting extra pain for the benefit of my audience) but then ground to a halt when couldn't find Tembo.

Had absolutely lovely afternoon once he was back in the cage. Alison liked her Pinky and Perky album. Hehe. Started watching film but gave up when parents phoned. Would feel better if had managed to buy Pop's present online tonight, but nothing is ever simple.

Watching: Beyond the Sea...with our mate Kevin!!! and HIGNFY and QI on iPlayer. The guy that always reminds me of Tim was soooo funny.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Slipping further behind

Always seem to be getting further and further behind with stuff. The To Do list always seems to grow despite the ticks. Getting a bit frustrated to be honest. Wanted to get this week blogged, as had a great few days away. Still catching up on the last week at school though. So many photos to edit from the dance show and the Saarland exchange. Although I note that one of my photos is up on the school website (uncreditied of course!).

Tired but all awake now (same as last night, but for diff reason). Brain zooming around all the things it has to get done. Got a harley's house post completed, so might quit and watch iPlayer TV in bed for a bit. Hope to get some fun blog done tomorrow, although pictures of rain in various parts of the country might not be that exciting.

Watching: Child of our time (on iPlayer). Finding Neverland and Once were the 'Afternoon Film' showings in the cottage. Both really nice films. Me and A trying v hard not to cry at the former.
Listening: Annie Lennox CD in car
Reading: Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. (in a day and a half, found it on cottage bookshelf)
Eating: Hunstanton rock!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Not wise

Just made the mistake of clicking on the link to Remi's blog, just to see if it still works. Seems he is off skiing and climbing every 5 mins and is happy with new woman.

Whilst I want him to be happy and stuff, I have to be honest and say that not only does me doing no adventurous things really bug me... but I dream of being able to blog stuff about being happy with lovely woman. Oh well... dream and pray.


Can't be nearly a year!!??!

Oh dear. I must be so useless and lazy. Well, at least I ride at more than 18mph now. Creating a new blog about the house led me to check this one. Can't beleive I have left it so long. Have done better with the TGF one. And I guess I have been making a more traditional photo album instead too.

So what have I been up to today. Woken up by Sue Wilde (well, a text from..) to get me up for the car boot sale. Got some more NOW albums on vinyl, and a bargain animal t shirt...25 whole pence!!! Fed Max and Robbie, and used Ronan as distraction tactics...yesterday one of them made a hole in my arm!! Then went to Beacon...made it to the first syllable of the opening song before tears, which is better than last week. V v tired, but forced myself to go shopping, bought up half of Iceland, then fell asleep watching Goldfinger (part of new Sunday afternoon plan!). Was on second run through when Ruth appeard at the door, so played Wii all afternoon. Then got on with boring stuff like ironing, washing up and packing for London tomorrow (so hopefully tomorrow's blog be more interesting). Now gonna try to do another post catching up on the house blog. Then more sleeps. hehe. Oh...and missing Alison terribly...she's in the Peak District for the holiday.

Watching: Goldfinger
Listening: Now albums and a borrowed 80s CD set (don't tell bex)
Playing: Wii Super Fruitfall (rented...was crap, so played all my other games)
Reading: GB travel guide and A New Kind of Christian (amazing book...helping me get my head together).

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