Monday, December 25, 2006


Twas the night before Christmas...

and not a creature was stirring....except for the rats!

Got woken up at 6.30 this morning when one of them fell off something and landed with a clang. oops. Seeing as I was awake I thought I should text people, just to let them know that Santa had been (hope I didn't wake any of them). Got up and took my duvet through to the back room to watch TV and hope I would stop coughing long enough to get back to sleep. This I must have done as Mum had already had a bath and was faffing with the turkey when I woke up again. This really threw me out. Christmas is normally run to a rigid timetable of tradition. At 7.30 I normally get up and turn the oven on and go for a run, then take the old folk their cuppa in bed when I get back. I really missed that this year. Oh well. Didn't open our sacks from Santa first thing either...Jon was not here, so we went to church having only opened one present. I discovered why Frankie was so keen to help me open it...he could obviously smell the yummy chocolate. Have just now finished opening sacks (main pressies come after dinner) and now its the v boring bit waiting for dinner to be ready, trying to keep out of stressed out mother's way, hence I'm in here blogging. Santa was very good to me this year, he brought me Animal socks and Star Wars Lego hehehe!!! (and no pants).

Last night's midnight mass was hilarious. During the communion the old lady dishing out the wine tipped it all down the front of the bloke next to me! The best bit was how she tried to wipe it off his shirt with her cloth. Showing a distinct lack of trust I took hold of the cup on my turn, but when she had done Ma she said "Oh did you get any dear?". Mum was telling me off for laughing whilst clearly trying not to laugh herself. My Spiderman hat also drew a few friendly stares!

Have got a project for the rest of the holidays, inspired by Sam (Mum and Dad's youth leader from church) to follow.

Anyway...come on Ma...I'm starving.

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