Sunday, December 17, 2006


Is it me?

Is it me, or is it just life? I am getting extremely depressed about the whole friends thing again. I had a chat with Remi (so it was fairly one-sided!) about this a while back. There are lots of people that know me, particularly when they want something. However, whenever I try to arrange something, and I try really hard at the normal grown up friendships thing, then I get burned.

The latest example is New Years. I sent an email out to loads of people. I have had replies from 4 saying why they can't make it, and one, thats ONE saying he can (thanks J). I understand that people may have other commitments, but the vast majority can't even be arsed to reply to me.

So, is it me? Is this part of the ongoing message that nobody really likes me? Its hard on the confidence (what little there is) when I have to go out on my birthday with my parents, cause no-one else likes me enough. Is this just part of growing up? like when my best friend became a stranger when she got a boyfriend back in high school? Will I suddenly be unavailable if God ever gives me someone crazy enough to be my partner?

Depressed/frustrated now. Will try to get my happy feet back in time for the Carol Service tonight. Will be very happy if I get a "hello" again (even though waiting for the promised talk is agony). Anyway, now to investigate just what the ... is making that beeping noise, and get the DVD recorder to play ball ready for Hogfather tonight.

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