Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Inclusive Society

Just a quick mini rant, of the thoughtful rather than angry variety. Got an group email today inviting everyone to the MT party. It included the phrase 'This invite is open to husbands/wives'. I had this instant indignant reaction that wanted to reply 'Hey what about girlfriends, boyfriends, not romantically linked person of choice?'.

I guess this reaction is partly due to being increasingly aware at how much more open I think society needs to be. Its as though you partner does not exist unless you have a marraige certificate. Maybe I'm reacting just cos I wish I had somebody to take to the party!

I do think though that this is something church needs to be wary of. There seem to be two main groups targeted at Emmanuel; families with children and students. Most stuff beyond services (and even many of the services) is aimed at them. Actually amusingly its probably the other group, the single/unmarried adults that do most of the background work at Emmanuel. A lot of the no glory jobs seem to be done by a great group of young(ish) adults that some at church feel can be called upon at any time, because they don't have a family, so are often assumed as being always available.

Don't get me wrong I think Emmanuel is great, but if their aim is to show God's welcome to all, then they may need to widen their focus.

Hey Harls,

You are not alone in these someone who will never fall into the catergory of "husband or wife", things like that always leave me with a funny after-taste....

I think you should take some random person and bitch-slap them until they agree.
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