Saturday, December 02, 2006


I'm not cut out to be a Mum

My poor baby had an accident today. John (shaking) brought Frankie up to me this morning while I was making LEGO Stewies. Somehow the skin on the last 2 inches of Frankies tail had come off, leaving the end of his tail exposed. Luckily I managed to flip into MUM mode, telling John to get dressed while I looked after Frankie and found his small cage etc to take him to the vet. Frankie meanwhile was taking this all very well, and just went and sat in his safe place on my shoulder. Mum mode lasted pretty well until we got to the second vets (first one on a home visit) and she told me she was going to amputate the end of his tail. Then I cried and started Aspie rocking!

So, my baby is fine now, just sleeping off his big adventure, having eaten lots of weetos while sat on Mummy's shoulder. Unfortuantely he has now got a stumpy tail with a big stitch in it (shame, cos I loved the pointy end bit of his tail that he curled round things). Anyway, he seems ok, so all the panic praying must have worked. Thanks again big G.

Moral ending to this tail (hehe) in true Thundercats styleeee...never believe everything you see on TV. John found the skin from his tail (still 'intact', imagine a finger from a v small glove) and I put it in a freezer bag and wrapped it in ice, like you do on all those 999 programmes on TV when some eejit severs a finger. Felt like a bit of a wally when the Vet gave me a whithering look and said "you don't expect that to take do you?" Oh well, what do I know.

And for the less squeamish among you. I did want to take a pic of the tail, but thought that was a bit mean and gross, and didn't want to waste time doing that cos I also thought my baby might die...but this is what it reminded me of. Its from the LEGO starship I was making earlier...

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