Saturday, December 30, 2006


I'll show you whose boss!!!

Discovered there is no "Naff off I want to go my way" button on the GPS. I had to get out past Wymondham before I convinced it that I was not going to do a U turn at the next convienient opportunity, and I was in fact going to go on the A14, not the A47. It even wanted to send me home via Shepshed...from the M1 J23 roundabout. Strange. I will have to trust it tomorrow though, its got to get me to Mumsy's in Devon.

Trying to get back into being productive today, after the stasis field that is Christmas, in which a week passes and you wonder what you did. So today I have been to the gym (easing in gently on the treadmill, don't want the cough back) and I have been tidying my room, trying to get rid of random stuff to make room for new toys. Not doing terribly well at throwing stuff away, but I can see my desk again. Will do catching up on blogging the last few days later. Or not, I might get distracted by new toys. hehe.

Ah yes...the post-Christmas, pre-New-Year tidy! Doing the same here. Although tomorrow I plan on testing m'new toy, a heart rate monitor. Assuming the achilles holds out. How ironic: Achilles Heel was, in fact, his heel. And mine too.
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