Wednesday, November 29, 2006


When somebody loved me everything was beautiful

So goes the line from the ToyStory 2 song. The ITunes Oracle is messing with my head!!! Oh dear, here I am smoking a candy fag getting all depressed because the shuffle option on I Tunes picks 'When somebody loved me' by Sarah MacLachlan at the exact same moment I change my MSN sign in name. I would say 'I need help', but as I am getting that already and not much is changing then I don't know what I need. More candy fags maybe.

Anyways, just finished Cell. Was good. I lifted Jon Walker's Alpha talk on why we should read the bible (but I did give him full credit before I started). Looking at Psalm One was good. Ben explained it well. That God and his word is like the stream, and if we draw our strength from that stream then even though life may throw stuff at us, we may bend, but we won't fall. I somehow went on to come up with the Weeble Theory...that if we try to live by reading and thinking about stuff in the bible, as our guidelines from God [oh dear, Itunes Oracle really is messing with me...So in Love by Lara Fabian, from De-Lovely] then we become like Weebles....we wobble but we don't fall down!

Only got thru half the stuff I had planned. Hopefully at the end of the next one I will be able to take them through the Emmanuel Church statement on Biblical Authority. The important bit for me, that I totally respect Eml for is 'We expect diversity in interpretation yet respect biblical authority'. None of us can be sure that we have got it totally right...but I think God wants us to try our best to understand, and to live according to we work out for ourselves. With a shed load of help from Him.

OK, my brain has about had it for tonight. Had a bit of a stressful day, another Aspie freakout. Thanks to Vicky at school for helping me sort it. She is someone that doesn't easily get weirded out by Aspie-ness. I know for next time that if other teachers at school dare me to go up to the Headmaster and ask him how old he is, that they don't really mean it, and they will get upset with me when I do it. I think the Headmaster was more disturbed by me going back 10mins later to apologise, rather than the question itself, but one of the teachers got really angry with me. Thimble spillage, yet again. Right I need to talk to my one definate friend, well, email her, then go bye-byes with yet another book that purports to explain relationships. I remain somewhat cynical, as some people don't follow the rules!

OK, cos I want to share good stuff...

And dedicated to That There Remi Bloke...

Tatty bye!
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