Sunday, November 05, 2006


Never give an Aspie,....

That was sooooooooooooooo cool!

I decided recently on a list of three things I must do before I am 30 (in a kind of crazy things you should do while you are young type way). I have now done the first two. The first was learning to surf. I will blog this properly when I get pics back, and when I put the video of me getting into my wetsuit on youtube. However ....surfing is officially AWESOME!!!! plus, we have finally found a sport I can actually do! Or as Jono put least I can catch a wave!

The second thing on the list was to set off a firework. It being November the Fifth I thought, Carpe Diem and all that, and it was now or never. So having acquired 5 quids worth of rockets today (and some sparklers!) I returned from church all excited about the planned 'display'. Well, it was flipping awesome. They went woosh, and bang, and two crackled, and it was the coolest thing. I know its not safe and its not sensible. But its such fun. Organised displays are great (btw Loughborough Rag one was brilliant this year) but I think you lose something in the computer controlled, spectacular show-ness of it all. The best fireworks displays were the ones from when I was a kid and I put on me wellies and duffle coat and went to the local scouts display. It was more fun watching the bloke with the torch setting off each one. And there was always a cheer if (after having watching him nail it to a 2x4) the catherine wheel actually went round!

So. One and two on the list were both totally awesome. I loved surfing and I loved the fireworks. Fear it may have been a bad idea to let an Aspie with Pyromaniac tendancies get anywhere near a firework, but it was cool (plus John Whitley was on hand to be 'Mr Health and Safety' - thanks dude). Number three awaits......

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