Sunday, November 12, 2006


Lego and ranting

That unique concoction is apparently why Ems likes reading my blog. Lego updates one minute, 4am rants the next. Well, here's both.

This is Saturday morning's effort. Done to the Episode 4 soundtrack and chocolate fingers and coffee.

Below is the particularly cute Astromech droid that comes with the ship...

Grrrrr the photo alignment thing is really annoying me again..... and here is Sunday's effort (I'm getting to like skiving church!) This was accompanied by the Empire strikes back soundtrack, coffee, and Garibaldi, oh and the Rat Pack kept me company, until Deano sneaked off that is.

Also on Sat I did some DIY. I was hoping that the new bookshelf would clear up tonnes of room in, er, my room. It didn't. oh well.

Photo alignment really really p-ing me off now. As you can see... some ingenuity and improvisation required when I discovered Ikea couldn't count to 12.

Right, onto the ranting. Well, I could start with the photo alignment on blogger. At least when I did my own HTML things looked nice. Or I could start on tescos, where I spent an hour today trying to get doughnuts for church (but did end up with a trolly full of free cakes and cookies, cos they messed up yet again, and didn't even do the order this time).

Think I might start on a cynical rant about church again. Whole service tonight on reconciliation (was townwide). Well. I did try and do the whole reconcilliation thing with a particular person at church. Thats a bit hard though when, after THEY prayed for God's will to be done in fixing "broken relationships", they then decide actually they don't want anything to do with me. I don't know whether to still be hurt by the fact that I really did think this person was a close friend, and now they couldn't care less if they never see me again, or whether I should wake up and smell the coffee, and realise that I am a complete and utter idiot for ever believing that somebody would genuinely want to be my freind. I have learnt a hell of a lot in recent months about the difference between what I think is friends, and what people from church think is freinds. I thought that hanging out with someone and sharing stuff that you haven't told anybody else, and hugging and being physically and emotionally close to them meant you were friends. Apparently I was very, very wrong. Well, I am learning. I'm choosing who to trust at church now. Not very good with my judgement yet though, hence my 'what have I done wrong now?' response to someone tonight, and all they did was to say 'thanks for being you'. A few months ago I probably would have cried and said thanks and given her a hug. Now I am instantly on the defensive. Not sure this was God's plan. Oh well, I guess he knows what he is doing.

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