Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Lego and normal stuff

I love it when it gets to gone midnight on a Tuesday and I'm starting to get stressed that I should be asleep already, and then I remember that I don't have to be in skool until nearly 10 the next day (only in a week 1). Have got so much catching up with organisation and paperwork to do that I did get up fairly early, but I thought I would also try to write a normal blog entry for a change.

So, LEGO progress...My ARC-170 has now got one wing. And it is v cool. As the pic below is supposed to show, there is a neat system of technic cogs and those little red balls, that open and close the wings. Shame the pic is a bit rubbish.
Right, what else have I been up to.... Tues I did most of my christmas shopping. Everyone is getting DVDs! Also managed to tidy room a bit, finally order my Goldfish vouchers to get my FREE PS2!!!, started organising my old photos, and planned Cell for tonight.

Mon night was hilarious. However I cannot do our success (well, so close it was almost worth a cigar) as much justice as Em did on her blog. I still can't believe how funny she is.

Sun was drums at both services, which was fantastic. And a lovely lunch at El's. Which I didn't forget about at all. Oops, Ruth saved my life there. Afters was yummy - I made Bible Club Camp Cake (think they used to call it Mocha Pie, but I made it with Vanilla Angel Delight, I don't think you can get coffee these days). Have just realised how easily I go off on completely irrelevant tangents.

Walked Stewie in the afternoon with Rach. Was very happy that he managed to get out of the car before yukky stuff came out of both ends! Got a glimpse of Rachel's rarely seen 'evil' side when Stewie jumped up on some poor woman in previously clean jeans, leaving a perfect pawprint. Rach did an admirable job of apologising sincerely, whilst finding this the funniest thing in the world. We also invented the Bag It/Leave It system of Poo classification. Each specimen is analysed for quantity and consistency (and occasionally proximity to poo bin) before the decision is made to bag it, or cover it with a pile of leaves. The weirdest thing about picking up poo is that its warm. Too much information??

Am turning into my parents...fell asleep watching a film Sat night. Actually I do that a lot, but I was annoyed as it was SW:2. I'll put it down to being worn out from trying to protect my tea from some fat greedy git of a monster, who had already scoffed all his tea (no, not Remi for a change!). Decision to put on yesterdays socks when I got up Sun am was a good didn't take me long to find the first puddle of the day.

Its weird writing using Blog chronology within a post. Last bit, I better do some work. Friday night was Al's last night at Utopia. V sad. I am especially gutted as Al is the only person at church who ever understands what I am talking about. He doesn't mind being 'covered in beeeeees', he knows who Mrs Badcrumble is, and always answers correctly the eternal conundrum 'Tea and Cake or Death?' Oh well. Even my cunning plan to keep him here by stealing his hat failed. Mainly because he said that he would go anyway, just be sad about his hat, and have a really cold head in Manchester, and even I am not that cruel. But at least I won the 'officially the coolest goodbye card we received' competition. John Whitley says its too alarming to post on here.

Parting shot....LEGO sheep are taking over the world! Now Ronan has one (hehe go Ronan!) and Al has used LEGO sheep in his Christmas animation. Watch out folks...

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