Sunday, November 26, 2006


God and Drums...hey, its been a while!

Worship tonight was awesome, one of those nights when God takes over and I just worry about enjoying it and praising Him. Started with 'Let everything that has breath praise the Lord', and it got louder from there! IMHO it shoudl be 'Let everything that makes noise when you whack it with a stick Praise the Lord'!!! All the 'guys' were hyper too - I love it when the drums and the worship gets us all fired up.

If only I could make myself not give a [insert phrase here] about a certain person at church. It totally does my head in now when they speak. I wish they would stop deliberately saying hello to me (seems the complete opposite message to 'I do not want to be your friend', but what do I know) but I find it totally freaks me out (covered ears and rocking) when they talk about God. I'm not going to join in a prayer from someone who I used to think personified God's love, but who actually was just using me as a little project. And as for them emailing the one person in the world I am sure is my friend......

But hey, I managed to be Tigger with everybody else, so thats ok. Tigger senior said hello to Tigger junior this morning. Suprisingly, I am Jnr! Just need to get to a place where this person doesn't ruin church for me everytime they are there, and also give me an unbelievably short temper with adults, cos I am soooo angry at them.

Right, on with the Christmas shopping (the no-stress way)...Hurrah for Tinternet!

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