Tuesday, October 03, 2006


First 'Day Off'

Tues is my day off from school. Previously known as PhD Day. I had told the boys that this week I was not going to get out of bed before 3. I lied. Had a great start to the day, sat in bed with a coffee and chocolate making my Starfighter. Here it is so far. Don't feel so bad about the price now I realise there about a million bits!

Have spent the rest of the day cleaning (and going to counselling in Nottingham and going to a meeting at church, and blogging and...). Here is a before and after on the room. Doesn't look that different I know, but you can see through the window now, and the carpet is safe to walk on. Have also got rid of ironing mountain. You know its been too long when you forgot you even had the t-shirt at the bottom.

So. Don't think I'll be getting bored anytime soon. Church is keeping me busy and there is still tonnes of tidying to do. Thats before I even start trying to have a major sort out and try to part with stuff (something I am hopeless bad at, but unless my room magically grows bigger...).

Anyway, time for bed said Zebedee, so will leave you with this, now that I have time to watch and read stuff (well, officially have time, I just used to feel guilty before)

Reading: about to finish The World According to Jeremy Clarkson. Fantastic book. stole it off remi. Hilarious, esp when mocking Englishness.

Watching: saw end of Snatch yesterday. The fantastic script and acting make you forget how horrible it is. Brilliant film. Brad Pitt sans shirt. Fabulous even if you can't understand a word he is saying.

Listening: KT Tunstall. Finally bought the CD from Amazon. Queen Rocks.

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