Saturday, October 21, 2006
Drowned Rats

We gave the Rat Pack a bath this morning after I had cleaned their cage. Hilarious. Deano is a super rat, he leaped (salmon like) out of the bath. They did also use my arms to escape so I have a few claw marks, but was so funny. Pics don't do it justice, but can't put videos on the blog (at least I don't know how). Deano really did look like a drowned rat! Frankie just looked even more fluffy.

Off on holiday soooo excited. Poor Sue has adopted me (bad move) so its me Ronan and Esmee fighting over who sits where in the back, and who gets the top bunk! Can't wait, I've always wanted to try surfing (and 'craft night' sounds fun too hehe). Will hopefully get some good pics to put up. However must finish packing first.
Watching: Billy Connolly's World Tour of New Zealand (Spaghetti hoops?!?!?)
Reading: Northern Lights (first in the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman. V good so far)
Eating: Rolos that I found in the bottom of a drawer.