Saturday, October 14, 2006
Do I have 'welcome' written on my forehead?
Cos lots of people round here think I'm a doormat. I have well and truely had enough of tidying up after lazy people because I refuse to live in a dump. Yet another Saturday spent cleaning up, having also done cleaning up after lazy people throughout the week. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Don't even get me started on people that are supposed to have 'pastoral responsibility' for me, but only contact me when they want a job doing...

Anyway, will blog the Lego progress later. Am trying to get something done now that hopefully will be something really nice, but its a bit secret. It does mean I have to trawl through all the photos on my PC, so I will put up a couple of groovy ones I found so far. I'm still really really tempted to youtube the video that captured an incident involving a paddling pool. I'll take best of 5 comments voting either way! (could be hard as no-one ever reads this).

Nice one of me and ma at Nan's 80th Party. Shame I can't find the photos I'm actually looking for, but this is kinda fun and certainly distracting me from the crap that has been the rest of the week.

Anyway, will blog the Lego progress later. Am trying to get something done now that hopefully will be something really nice, but its a bit secret. It does mean I have to trawl through all the photos on my PC, so I will put up a couple of groovy ones I found so far. I'm still really really tempted to youtube the video that captured an incident involving a paddling pool. I'll take best of 5 comments voting either way! (could be hard as no-one ever reads this).

Nice one of me and ma at Nan's 80th Party. Shame I can't find the photos I'm actually looking for, but this is kinda fun and certainly distracting me from the crap that has been the rest of the week.