Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Soul Survivor

Eventful before I even left Loughborough. Poor little Mini Moby got his window smashed in on Sunday night at church. Thanks to all you guys at Emmanuel who helped sort me out while I just stressed internally without getting mad. Rocking really helps.

In some ways not as tough as last year, in some ways more so. Think I will just stick to the good stuff. My poor counsellor gets to hear about the bad. The worship was awesome!!! Tim Hughes, Lex Buckley and Ben Cantelon leading, all the coolest songs, some new-ish ones (Through the valley, and a cool version of how great thou art). Can't wait to get the CD through the post and play it stupidly loud in the car!

Had fun hanging out with the boys. Dom is a fellow drummer, and he loves Animal and Tigger, so he is officially cool and groovy.... as is Steve. He knows why.

Went skateboarding with Scott and Ronan every morning. They were brilliant, doing rock fakies and generally being fearless. I eventually made myself learn to do a drop in on the half pipe ramp. Was soooo pleased with myself. However Dom has at least 10 videos of me bottling it on his phone. Strange how everyone seems to have seen these yet Dom didn't manage to get any evidence of my awesome skill and bravey. Oh well.

Ran the 2 mile Soul Action fun run in 11 minute 12 seconds. So I can do things. Just the rest of the time I am a complete idiot.

Tre Shepphard was hilarious in his seminars, and amazing at the One Hundred Hours gig. Dom was well impressed. Live Love Baby!!!!!

Quote of the week (well, of the ones that are not incriminating to the person who said them, or will make me cry)....

You're a semi man...... with girl's legs.

oh, and you eat like a girl.

Ben Lacey
(on why I would not be able to sneak into Tre's Soul Man seminars)

OK. Best go pack. Off to Norwich tomorrow for Grandad's birthday. PhD not going well. Need to get head straight and stop thinking about other stuff. I even wrote some poetry at SS, that's how screwed up I am!!

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