Sunday, March 05, 2006


Soz, but its God and Drums again

Just had to tell myself (as no-one else reads this) about cool drums in church again. Couple of songs I really got into and really felt like I was prasing God. Its great to look around and see people getting into the worship, its easier on a real go-for-it song. I wasn't terribly good tonight, still can't psychically tell when El is going to finsh. But, first song that went well was Blessing and Honour. Really got into it (with Grahams er, encouragement). The best was at the end. We did Lord Reign in Me, and it was fun the first time, but I wimped out of a decent ending. Then almost straight away we did it again, as the after service song. This time, all the 'Animal' that I had saved up all night came out. Best ending ever, just walloped the crash cymbal and woke up the entire church!!! Cracked up immediately (well, after also shouting 'Come On!!!') as no-one was expecting it, threw the vicar a bit! Poor Keith may never hear again, he got the full blast in his right ear, and Martin the other bass player was just wetting himself laughing! Anyway. Fantastic moment. Even if that is the last time I ever drum in church!

Only other thing to say is that I was very naughty today and instead of doing lots of work after church......I WATCHED STAR WARS!!!!!!!!

Did you manage to say 'metal poo' at an inappropriate moment? Hugs x
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