Friday, March 17, 2006


Live Love Baby!!!

Picture the scene....Wednesday night. Bored of doing PhD. Hoping the time before the 3 Colours of Ministry course at church would go faster (it did when I fell asleep). Check email for the millionth time. New one from the Hundred Hours mailing list, says there are new gigs. So I check the website. There is a new gig...on the 16th in Derby. Thats tomorrow!!! I exclaim. Instant decision that I WILL be going. Text first choice fellow Tre fan. Busy. Email/text everyone I know at church. Await replies. Go to course at church early following confusing phone call about balloons. First 'icebreaker' task and balloons make sense. E numbers from Smarties cause lack of wisdom and cheeky remark to Vicar about not using a ruler for his OHP diagram. Whistle Great Escape theme while washing up with Jenny. Anyway, sidetracked....
Thurs, home from school. Check email. Two negatives and nowt from the rest. Frantic texting. Eventually accept the fact that I have no friends. Thanks to fabulous instructions and maps from the Derby Uni CU President I get there OK. Get pint of coke and a stool and talk to self until get weird looks. Have strange...Hey, that's Chris Hodder...oh yeah, I'm at Derby Uni, he's Chaplian here Dur...moment. Chat to Chris and Louise. Secondman, the support act do their bit. They were great. The singer leads worship at CU Chris tells me. Hodders wander off.

One Hundred Hours take to the stage. And are fantastic. Eventually I get the guts to move from my skulking on the edges position to right in front of them. Much better. Although I was the only person not standing still (or sitting chatting at tables) looking midly interested at best. Restrained myself from full on moshing (shame John W not there), did dance about and mild headbang a bit. Hehe. Fortunate Aspie side effect, tend not to care what people think of me. Was singing along too. Seemed to be only person that knew words. Useless this Derby lot. They should come to Lufbra.

King of Every Heart was absolutely brilliant. Well, all of them were brilliant, but that was particularly good. They did quite a few new ones, including one 'More than this' (or similar) and a nice acoustic Tre solo one. Hopefully new album on its way??? Tre was fantastic as usual, had a good night for rambling Eddie style. Said 'Baby' a lot. He did some jumping too.

Tori was also great. Unlike last gig at Nottingham you could really hear her. And boy can that babe wail!! And bless her, she went and got all the boys to sign my t-shirt after the gig too. Cheers Tori. Meanwhile I was trying not to say anything stupid to Tre, who loves my name and said "How Rock and Roll are you?!?!" I wanted him to sign Lazarus the Lego Sheep, but I thought might require too much explanation, so chickened out. Loud singing in the icy rain all the way home. Boys in bed when got home, so couldn't play CD. And to all those people who didn't come.....Hah!!!!! you missed an ace gig!

The Hours website can be found here...
You can also listen to a couple of their tracks online here
It would be v cool if you also checked out the site
who the Hours have raised awareness and over 20 grand for. My red band is around the gearstick in Mini Moby!

Well, i would have joined you had i been in the country - But well impressed you went on your own anyway! Sieze the moment and all that. In fact, if you ended up having a dilemma over whether or not you should go, I would have enocouraged you to ask the 'itunes oracle' for advice.
Tis always fun reading your entries! See ya soon poptart
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