Friday, March 17, 2006



Sat 11th March. Delirious gig in Derby, somewhere near Pride Park. Won't mention the pheasant incident but will cut straight to saying how great the gig was. They were v v v good. The gig was part of the Paint the Town Tour, and included songs from the new Mission Bell album. I think the best songs they did were Rain Down and Majesty, and also the new ones Now is the Time, Paint the Town Red and Solid Rock. The atmosphere was fantastic, everybody with arms in the air and loads of jumping! The support act Nicki Rogers was great too, kind of Alanis Morrisette meets Tori Amos. Must remember to get her CD. So yeah, Martin and the boys were great. I wanted to steal the sparkly drums and James was lusting after the huuuuge sound desk. The Lego Sheep is now called Lazarus the Prodigal Sheep. I was trying to take a pic with my phone before the start, and like an idiot I dropped the sheep. Spent the next 10mins trying to find him (including asking some poor girl the most random question I hope she will ever hear). Gave up until the end....and found him! His legs had already broken off (that was how I dropped him) but other than that he was in one piece. So, much relieved I went off to buy the t-shirt (anyone who knows me NOT suprised to hear that). Won't mention where we went for food, but James did have his 3rd and 4th Big Mac of the day!

Delirious, in case you don't know, are a fantastic Christian band. I first got to know them at Soul Survivor 05. They were fantastic at leading worship in the evenings, and I was in the queue for the skate park behind Martin Smith. He was trying to get his (v cute) little lads into the girls only session. I managed to not say anything stupid to him (by not saying anything) then spen the next hour trying not to fall off my skateboard or run over his kids, just in case he was watching.

D:'s best songs are probably the ones I listed above. World Service and Mission Bell are two very cool albums. Don't have the earlier stuff yet. Their website is here and you can get some of their stuff on itunes.

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