Monday, February 20, 2006


God and Drums

I know, I know its been ages.
How fantastic is being able to praise God by hitting things?!?!?!?! Am still high from playing drums in church Sun eve, esp to Beautiful One and Garment of Praise. Was totally giving it some on the floor tom (well, Pete did say play it louder) and it was just the best thing ever to be able to worship like that. The whole service was just great. Didn't get all stressed about playing (too stressed about other stuff at start), but just felt God take over when playing and went with it. Chilled out about it being rough round the edges and not well linked and... and just 'praised him on the loud cymbals'!!
God also just totally sorted out the complete nightmare me and my AS had got me into. Never the way I think he should sort it out, but he does it soooo much better.
Right. need to finish phd target for the night and go bye-byes.
In the words of the mighty Tre....
Live Love

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