Saturday, October 29, 2005


The Hours

One Hundred Hours. Coolest band on the planet. Tre is our hero (I'm never washing that hand again). Alison Walker got me the CD for Christmas last year and I was about 3 feet away from them at Soul Survivor (less than that when Tre signed my shirt).

Wed 5th Oct six of us from church went to The Social in Nottingham to see them. They rocked (but for nowhere near long enough). Tre said hi afterwards. Was relieved he didn't ask if I had missed my medication or anything, I went a bit loopy on the last one. Could blame that on a dodgy chinese before the gig, but I had cooked it so... maybe it was in response to all the awful jokes Greyham and Martin were coming out with in the Walker Bus on the way there. Anyway. Cool night. Great gig. Fantastic company.

You can listen to the Hours best (?) song here....
and check out their website here...

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