Monday, October 31, 2005



Sunday. Church and more church. V funny morning service. The kids did a bit at the front and one of them told us about when Jesus healed the three leopards. Then the new vicar was relating an anecdote and said of the main character for purposes of anonymity one presumes "we'll call her Nancy". I made the mistake of making eye contact with Pete at that point. Then, as is the Law of Sod, I start a coughing fit halfway thru the prayer. Right at the point where Barry was praying for "the sick". Cough almost turned into a laugh, then of course, choked some more. How embarassing.

Evening Service: Played drums!!!!!! first time I played kit in a proper service. The new song we did (When I was Lost) absolutely rocked. Alison played my keyboard - in Hammond organ mode. Well, we thought it was cool anyway. Must learn how to start and finish songs when drumming! Don't think stop and laugh is quite what I'm supposed to do.

Watching: Little Britain, Top Gun, Cat's Meow (Eddie) Cat in the Hat (fell asleep)
Reading: Finally finished Sense and Sensibility. Read Artemis Fowl Eternity Code in 2 days off sick. Pretending to be Normal (about ASD, and is something I'm not very good at pulling off). Some book about the old testament.
Listening: Itunes on shuffle. Eddie Izzard today (not sure that helped concentration on PhD but still v funny. Do spiders make gravy?) Moulin Rouge OST



Sat. Went for bimble by the canal around Shardlow in Derbyshire. V parents friendly methinks.

Sat eve: bit of culture. went to cello concert at Emmanuel. Devised 2 new theories. ...

1 - All really good piano players are in fact Thunderbirds in disguise (extraneous arm movement)
2 - All really good cello players (just remembered the word cellist, oh and pianist for that matter) have floppy hair. this is to add effect whilst playing the stupidly fast bits.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


At the Copa!!!

Was supposed to go see the Japanese drummers at LU on Wed night but there was a smeg up over tickets. So while Matt and Caroline went off to see Wallace and Gromit I had complete brain failure and followed Alison instead. What a mistake that proved to be. She was on a Plan B mission and was at the Town Hall in Lufbra before I had managed "But...". So. I ended up watching a not so amatuer production of 'Copacabana'. Hmmmm

The actual show was mostly great (a few very stupid bits and some of the audience needed to shut up and remember they were not at a panto). The only downside (apart from getting spotted by a school kid and getting ice-cream all over my trousers) was that I could not stop sing/whistling the only 2 lines of the song that I knew. Had to download the song and the lyrics when i got home. How sad. The best ever version of the song (better than me and Alison's Ethel from Shelly version) can be found here....

Went to pub after and avoided the Men's Beer Club (or rather they avoided/pretended not to see us). We were doing the Cha Cha (as you do) on the street outside at closing time, when some random bloke walked past and asked us if that was how you got a taxi in Lufbra these days!!!!
All the other people that saw me dance back to church just stared. And its suprising how many people there are between the pub and church when you are doing something silly. Alison scared me when I texted her to ask if there were security cameras at church. Highlights at the Crimbo Carol concert apparently.


Kinky Boots

No, I haven't been swayed from living in trainers, the film was fantastic. Thought of Mum during the 'Red' scene. Alison came up with some nasty theories about my sportscar. Unfounded of course. This trip to the cinema was the highlight of my half term holiday. How tragic is that. Oh well, did some work, started on the analysis which is going to be unbelievably dull and tedious and take ages.

Last weekend of HT was also good. Ma Pa and Chalkie came up on friday night. We all went to Alton Towers Saturday to meet up with some guy from Dad's work who was having his birthday party there. So funny to see Mum all excited marching everyone off towards the 'forbidden valley'! Cool day, was suprised that MP+C went on all the rides. Nemesis was fantastic as usual. Gutted we missed out on Rita, which was closed most of the day, then had massive queues when word got around. Never want to drink coke again (Chalkie's medallion had 5 refills).


The Hours

One Hundred Hours. Coolest band on the planet. Tre is our hero (I'm never washing that hand again). Alison Walker got me the CD for Christmas last year and I was about 3 feet away from them at Soul Survivor (less than that when Tre signed my shirt).

Wed 5th Oct six of us from church went to The Social in Nottingham to see them. They rocked (but for nowhere near long enough). Tre said hi afterwards. Was relieved he didn't ask if I had missed my medication or anything, I went a bit loopy on the last one. Could blame that on a dodgy chinese before the gig, but I had cooked it so... maybe it was in response to all the awful jokes Greyham and Martin were coming out with in the Walker Bus on the way there. Anyway. Cool night. Great gig. Fantastic company.

You can listen to the Hours best (?) song here....
and check out their website here...

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