Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Straightening up
I'm now very bored of this book. The extended sourcebook on Qulaitative Data Analysis. Zzzzzz. I'm itching to get on and try to do some junk removal (house far too full of it) and some DIY. Must finish book first though. At this rate I really will be cleaning on my birthday. Oh well. Trying to think what else I need to put in here. End of school was pretty rough. Lots of great teachers leaving, kids being horrid right up to the bell (can't even cope with sitting in a classroom eating my sweets for 15 mins, no they have to mess me around don't they). Good chat in the pub after with Jono, then Bonnie. Went straight home, well ish, to norwich to get away from the house. I wanted to start the holiday by actually getting away from it all, if I had spent the first day of the holiday cleaning up the pig sty I might have cried. It was all there waiting for me on my return anyway!. Had a good time back home. Got my 'suprise' birthday pressie, got the first thing off my Summer Goals list ticked off, Dad gave me a stereo and bling speakers for my birthday and helped me fit them, well, more accurately he fitted them whilst I made a meal of a few screws. So much better now I've 'Pimped my Ride'.
Went to Mundsley and somewhere else with Chalkie and Nan/Grandad. Had a paddle, would of had a swim if Dad hadn't been such a weed. That and we wouldn't let him go in wearing his pants. Got to drive my car for the whole of 10 mins. Ma was being Bridget Jones on the way there, Dad nicked it for the ride home. Mum had to hold her hair on when they finally overtook us. Great impromptu barbie after, and a chilled day with Nikki and Ma on Monday. Saw Lesley and Lester and fixed Helen's PC before getting takeout. Manic on Tues trying to leave the house, Ma was being very fussy about the vase she wanted me to make for someone's wedding gift. I won't even go into the nightmare that is the A47. Just to say that if ever I see another sign saying Accident on A14 I will take my chances and sit in a traffic jam rather than go through Peteboghorror and Leicester again.
Sat 23rd, played footy in Rachel's kitchen during a bit of a mad half hour (dorito, pringle, chocolate and brownie bite fuelled) BTW don't bother watching Bride and Prejudice. Unless drinking more than shandy. Sun 24th 5 a side tournament in Nottingham with my new team Loughborough Dynamo. Me and Em finally got our arses in gear and joined. Personally i think Em's 'I've never played before' story is all rubbish. My team did fairly pants in the tournament, didn't score a single goal. But their attitude was great so I am well pleased with our choice of club. I so nearly scored. but didn't. One day.
Watching: Space Cowboys (good) Bride and Prejudice (not) Chronicles of Narnia (worse than I remember and taking ages as it makes me fall asleep within 10 mins)
Reading: Just finished Harry Potter.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo!
Listening: All my old tapes. Trying to get rid of some, found some good blues guitar and a bit of Jools Holland though.
Went to Mundsley and somewhere else with Chalkie and Nan/Grandad. Had a paddle, would of had a swim if Dad hadn't been such a weed. That and we wouldn't let him go in wearing his pants. Got to drive my car for the whole of 10 mins. Ma was being Bridget Jones on the way there, Dad nicked it for the ride home. Mum had to hold her hair on when they finally overtook us. Great impromptu barbie after, and a chilled day with Nikki and Ma on Monday. Saw Lesley and Lester and fixed Helen's PC before getting takeout. Manic on Tues trying to leave the house, Ma was being very fussy about the vase she wanted me to make for someone's wedding gift. I won't even go into the nightmare that is the A47. Just to say that if ever I see another sign saying Accident on A14 I will take my chances and sit in a traffic jam rather than go through Peteboghorror and Leicester again.
Sat 23rd, played footy in Rachel's kitchen during a bit of a mad half hour (dorito, pringle, chocolate and brownie bite fuelled) BTW don't bother watching Bride and Prejudice. Unless drinking more than shandy. Sun 24th 5 a side tournament in Nottingham with my new team Loughborough Dynamo. Me and Em finally got our arses in gear and joined. Personally i think Em's 'I've never played before' story is all rubbish. My team did fairly pants in the tournament, didn't score a single goal. But their attitude was great so I am well pleased with our choice of club. I so nearly scored. but didn't. One day.
Watching: Space Cowboys (good) Bride and Prejudice (not) Chronicles of Narnia (worse than I remember and taking ages as it makes me fall asleep within 10 mins)
Reading: Just finished Harry Potter.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo!
Listening: All my old tapes. Trying to get rid of some, found some good blues guitar and a bit of Jools Holland though.