Wednesday, July 06, 2005


London 2012

Come On!!!!!

So pleased about getting the Olympics. Remi is not best pleased, he is in a v bad mood. It seems some customers were mean to him in Decathlon today. No further comment then.

Finished watching Pride and Prejudice after I got home from After School Detention tonight. What am I going to do now? I guess Bridget Jones is the next best thing, and I still have installment 3 of Sense and Sensibility to watch with Rach.

The mystery of the missing garage key was solved yesterday when Remi came back from France with a 'please don't kill me' look on his face and the keys in his hand. Good job school all think I am a fool anyway, they don't ask when I ring in to explain that I will be late as my car is locked in the garage.

Listening: RHCP, Bridget Jones OST, I Tunes on shuffle, One Hundred Hours. Line of the week from OHH..."Help me trust in your great love for me"
Watching: Batman Begins. Fantastic, if you ignore the contradictions with the original Batman film. Wicked car. Hehe.

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