Sunday, June 19, 2005



Friday night started with a sleep out in the sunny garden to get over the week at school. Watched Get Shorty, v good, highly recommend it, particularly if you like Pulp Fiction but with less violence. Saturday Remi was out doing climbing supervision so I got left with a messy house. Emu rescued me in the afternoon to go eat ice cream and play tennis which was a relief as all I had to show for my day was a tidy house with a pile of rat carnage. On Frankie's last outing it seems he didn't just nibble the dishwasher pipe, he also destroyed two playstation dancemats, a steering wheel and my Nintendo Bongos. This is now a rat whose extra-cage privelleges have been firmly revoked.
Discovered the secret to winning a water fight. Wait until your opponent has drunk all theirs and then start. Got the paddling pool out and had a barbie in the evening (again with Emu). Watched Shark Tale. Absolutely fantastic, esp the soundtrack.
Have a new wild and groovy reputation to live up to after last weeks clubbing...Mum called me and Em 'two old maids'. Gee thanks ma. She claimed she was only comparing us to her and Lesley, as they had also been abandoned by partners but...
On that note Lesley's birthday on Friday. Must remember to send a late card. Thats the only sort of birthday card you ever get off Lesley so I don't feel too bad.
Sunday: music practice at church (playing bongos in the service next week) then postponed the bike ride for the evening when it has cooled down a bit. Now gonna read in sun before the Euro 05 final this afternoon. Norway v Germany.

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