Sunday, June 26, 2005


I'm the King of Bongos Baby

Missed the bike race Friday as I was asleep. Matt wasn't back in time anyway and as getting a bike in a Mazda is a bit like the elephants in a mini joke (weel, not really as you can't even get two in the back) anyway. missed it. Felt poo all night anyway so would have been rubbish.

Saturday. Watched Lions lose to All Blacks at Jono's house. Hope they aren't that poo for the rest of the tests. Second breakfast at home then mad rush to get to the PO in time as my new seat post had been delivered in the 30 mins that both me and Matt were out.
Biking at Cannock Chase was cool. Seem to be getting fitter (still die going uphill though) though not much braver. Having said that Matt made me go down the big roll-in at the Quarry. We have video evidence of his meanness. I must admit that after ****ing bricks the first time I then proceeded to do it another 4 times, and will add a bit of air off the ramp next time! And this was after I had done the smaller slope combined with drop off, but wasn't expecting air on the drop off and my feet slipped of the crap pedals. I can see how Matt and the boys spend a fortune on their bikes. I've just got a new seat post (so much better not riding BMX height) and now I want new pedals, tyres disc brakes etc etc.

Sun. Lots of cleaning and washing a tidying. Zzzzz. Must adopt the cunning plan of the boys....trash house then disappear. Practice at church was great fun. I love Sim messing about on the drums. Even better when his Mum has to tell him to be quiet!. Me playing Bongos in the service tonight. Scared but looking forward to it. Right. must do PhD work now. Boo Hiss.

So... you prefer Sim's playing to mine then, eh? Is that what you're saying?

Be careful how you reply. Remember, I'm your drum tutor... your next lesson could very, let's just say, challenging...

If you read my blog carefully you would note that I said 'messing about' not playing.
Besides I thought I was the one with no confidence in myself. Suprised you get upset and jealous so easily.
Wow, what a nice attempt at a retort. Must have taken a while for you to think that one up...
Saucer of milk. Table two.
Funny thing is that its been a good couple of weeks now and you've still not asked for a drum lesson.

I think that speaks for itself...

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